
Do I need any passports or anything to get into Northern Ireland?

by  |  earlier

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I live in the South.

I know you can drive and get there by train to.




  1. no but you will need money for the toll bridges if you are driving or you'll not get to far

  2. Nope. I was just up there and they couldn't care less. The borders are non existent. I was fairly surprised.

    If you fly, you might need some sort of photo id/passport.

  3. no - work ibn both n and s and never needed id - even stena line dosn't need id to get to mainland uk

  4. no of course not

  5. don't need a passport but some other form of idea is a good idea to have...something like a driver's licence

  6. nope, dont need nethin at all

  7. make sure the orange men dont get you !!! and nope you dont need a passport ..happy travels .check out port rush if you get the chance and welcome to Britain

  8. I'm fairly certain you don't require a passport, but any photo ID (driving licence is good), which also includes a passport, would be advisable.

    When flying from Luton(UK) to Dublin, only photo ID was required, so I would be very surprised if you need more in your case.

  9. nah i dont think you'll need anything theres no real difference cept on the maps.

  10. It gets worse. You need something called "sterling". They use it instead of real money

  11. If you are british you will be able to go to Northern Ireland without a passport as Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, allthough I would recommend taking some sort of identification to prove you are british.  If you are not british you will have to take your passport with you.

  12. no you don't need a passport.

  13. No. But you should.

  14. No ..if you have lived in Ireland all your life how could you have to ask this question.

  15. I went to Dublin my plane a couple of weeks ago and they NEEDED photo identification from a government body - so DVLA or UKPS.  I think it was due to the recent scares.  As regards to Belfast where my nan went last year just photo identification to prove the ticket was hers!

    "You need a valid passport to travel between the UK and all other countries (except the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands and the Republic of Ireland). However, in the case of a genuine emergency it may be possible to make other arrangements (see under heading How long does it take to get a passport)."

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