
Do I need back speakers or can I just have a subwoofer?

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I have a 94 cavalier..the back speakers in it are blowed...i love the sound of the bass so i want my trunk to really boom. Do i need to buy back speaker then hook up a subwoofer afterwards? Or can i just put in 2 subwoofers?




  1. The subs will provide lots of bass.  If you put in new rears you wont be able to hear them in the front and you will completely deafen anyone in the back.  Forget the rears use the money on the subs.  Just make sure that you have good speakers in the front for highs and mids.

  2. 2 subs would work...

  3. i would recommend buying 2 new speakers for ur rear deck and add to 10s or 12s Subs to really BOOM but as someone already said it depends what type of music....i listen to mainly rap/Hip-Hop so i gotta have my set up Bumping  

  4. Rear speakers are NOT a must have.

    In fact, rear speakers in a rear deck will end up playing the same bass frequencies as the subwoofer in the trunk because of how the subwoofer pressurizes the air.

    The rear speakers (Should you decide to have any), become what are called passive radiators. Cones without any motor control being passively pushed by a cone that actually has a motor attached to it.

    (i.e. Your subwoofer in the trunk)

    You will also find that most sound quality oriented stereo's do not have rear speakers. The best sound quality comes from setting up a proper sound stage.

    A Good set of speakers in the front of the car that have been aimed properly will provide sound for everyone in the front and rear of the car.

    They will also sound much better and clearer than any rear speakers being distorted by the subwoofer pressurizing the air in the trunk beneath the speakers.

  5. it depends what sort of music you listen to. but best you dont, if you only have subs in the back your sound will not sound very full. for good clear sound you generally need hi, mid and low frequencys.

    what sort of speakers do you have in the front? if they are just standard factory speakers you will have no other low end sound so it will sound crappy and tinny.

  6. i have gone with only sub before and at first it cool but after a wile i got real tired of bass and it will only cost about $30 to get some 6x9 or something like that in the back and you really never can tell how loud your subs are until you match them with your highs and i don't know what buddy is talking about you will hear them, you will either wish you got them or end up with them in the long run  

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