
Do I need braces? I have pictures

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I went to the orthodontist and he told me that my insurance probably wouldnt help pay for braces because i didnt need them. But really, i have a huge overbite and a gap between my teeth. Do you think i need to get braces? pictures:




  1. I would ask your dentist.

    My teeth are slightly crooked but if I were to get braces, it would be for cosmetic purposes only- I decided to skip spending the $5000+ on them.

    However, only your dentist could tell if it was absolutely necessary for you to have them due to possible/current health issues.

  2. Yes, I got my braces last month and i didnt think i needed them but it turned out i did :( but if u look on the bright side at the end of it you will have nice straight teeth!!

  3. Yes.

    Sometimes your teeth can get worse and worse if you don't correct it. Just go in for a consultation and see what he says. Consultations are FREE and then you can always decide what you want to do from there.

  4. Yes - I would get braces if I were you.  Most insurances only cover a certain percentage of the bill anyway.  

  5. You do need braces and if you are under 19 which you obviously are based on your teeth, then insurance should pay for it.

  6. Yes, I believe that you do need braces because you have an over bite and your teeth are not tightly together and you have too many spaces. If you like the way you look then you don't have to spend the money but i reccomend that you do.

  7. I would say yes.

  8. looks like you have an overbite, and if you want to fix the gap between your top two teeth, looks like it.

  9. i don't no weather you need them or not but if your dentist says you don't need them then you probably don't. but if you fell like you want to have brasses then ask your dentist if you could have them. and then he would probably let you if you really wanted them that much. i hope i helped...  

  10. from the front of ur teeth u look like you just need a filling but then i saw the side view then i noticed that u have a very big overbite so i would say that u do need braces but there are other things that work like braces that are invisable...

    if braces do not work on ur gap i would say that u should get a filling on it

  11. definitely need to get braces and maybe get your teeth whitened their disgusting

  12. You don't need braces.  Bonding will help close the gap.

  13. ask your dentist about ti the next time you go...

    but yeah you, and jsut about anyone honestly could use braces nowadays.

    braces will fix the gap in your 2 fornt teeth and will fix your overbite!

    i havea terrribbbllllee overbite befor ei had my braces, and now its just about perfect!

    heres the thign though: your dentist may ask you if you want have the option of saying yes or no. he/she will only URGE you to get braces if 1. you really dont like the way your mouth looks or 2. the overbite/gap/anything else is causing pain or affecting the growth and health of your other teeth around it.

    ill tell ya tho, its really worth it....

  14. You have teeth like Madonna.

    Up to you.

  15. Yeah I think you need braces.

  16. Well yes.You shoul because of your front teeth.Or you could just take two mini bracesand just put it on your front teeth, like my friend did.

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