
Do I need buy 30 days medical insurance?

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I am going to change employer, but new medical insurance is available after 30 days. How can I keep being insured in these 30 days?




  1. Look into "Cobra Insurance." Or run the risk of being uninsured...

  2. Don't touch the Cobra insurance. It's very expensive. I'd look into Humana or Blue Cross. They have short term insurance that will cost you minimal, but also keep you very well covered for that short period of time. I used it when I first graduated from college until I was working full time. It covered me for 60 days. Good luck!

  3. I'm in the business, and I really like the BlueCross temporary policy. Its very inexpensive, and is initiated through a simple process - about 1/10  of the time required for permanent health insurance.

    One very important thing to remember. The temp policies do not cover any pre-existing conditions.

    I don't know what state you reside in, but if you Google "BlueCross Florida" for example, you will get to that state's site. Just go to the "Find an Agent" function.

    One last thing. Here in Florida there`are 2 BlueCross options for temp insurance. $500 deductible or $1000. For whatever reason, the $1000 option costs about 25% of the $500 option. I think that's a superb savings for customers, as it would be bad luck to land in the hospital during those 30 days. Believe it or not, if you are young enough, you can get BlueCross 30-day temp coverage for $40 - $100 per month, and it actually includes co-pays to visit the family doctor!

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