
Do I need my appendix removed?

by  |  earlier

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A couple of days ago, my lower right side of my stomach had a piercing pain, and anytime i moved, it hurt worse. I thought i might need my appendix removed, but i don't have any of the other symptoms. So how do i know if i do need it removed?




  1. those symptoms sound like appendicitis, you should see a doctor

  2. GO to the doctor, if the pain has lasted as long as you say it had appendicitis is most likely the cause.  are u a guy or girl?

  3. Well no one here can guess about a medical condition so you really need to be seen by a doctor or clinic right away.  It may be nothing but it may be a potential problem, so the sooner you have it looked at , the sooner you can be pain free and have nothing to worry about.  Sometimes the worrying is the worst part.

  4. LOL  You turn off your computer and go to a doctor!!!  You'd trust whatever anyone writes here??? really???

    Here are a few links to professsional medical sites that are free .  Good luck

  5. Don't rely just on symptoms but do get advise from your doctor.Appendicitis can post denger if no immediate action.

  6. try to press your your lower right abdomen (the anatomic location of the appendix) and if you have agonizing pain - the problem is your appendix. If there's no pain it is ok, no need to go to the doctor.

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