
Do I need my original physical Boy Scout Handbook to become an Eagle Scout?

by Guest31626  |  earlier

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Do I need my original physical Boy Scout Handbook to become an Eagle Scout?




  1. Hello Linda:

    No, you don't need the handbook at all. Your records will be on file with your Council. You can request a copy of your official records, and verify that you have the merit badges required for the rank. If the record your council has is different than what you have, you will need to gather documentation and submit an advancement report. The troop will have the records of your leadership positions, and to apply for the rank of Eagle Scout, you will need to fill and submit the official application form. You can get one from your Council Service Center, or you can use the one from the National Eagle Scout Association at

    Keep on Scoutin'

  2. You need all the endorsements that were written in it, yes. If you can gather those endorsements in a new book, you may be able to get away with it, but your original would be the best way...

  3. As long as you can get proof (new signatures) that you did everything. Although your original handbook would probably be best.

  4. If you think about it, you made Life Scout, so obviously you had all the proper signatures and such at the time.  If you lost your original its not the end of the world.  Talk to your scout master, lets face it the most challenging part about becoming an eagle scout isn't collecting signatures in a book.  Hope your project goes well.

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