
Do I need to bring baby diapers to the hospital?

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I'm sure they have diapers there, but do they charge for each diaper used? Do they have the new ones that have the neat little dip that goes below the umbilical cord?




  1. I would bring SOME.

    You might not like the ones they provide.

    Those new diapers are good, but a lot of nurses at hospitals cut little indents in the diapers, and it works the same way.

    Don't overpack though.

    Congrats and good luck!

  2. Check with your hospital.  The hospital I delivered at in the US provided clothes, a hat, blankets, formula, diapers, wipes, a thermometer, baby brush, and baby lotion all for free.  They also provided free use of a really good breast pump while I was in the hospital.  

  3. no. you don't need to take diapers to the hospital because they provide them to you. Before you leave the hospital pack some of their diapers as well. that's what I did. Just remember, everything that you use in that hospital, your insurance is paying them.



  6. Here in Illinois the hospital gives you one pack of size 1 to use. They open it and put one on your baby at birth and charges you for the whole pack. If you don't use them you are still paying for them.

  7. You don't need to bring anything to the hospital for the baby except for a outfit to bring him home in and a car seat! The hospital will provide diapers, and a few to bring home, and formula if you aren't breastfeeding.

  8. Yes, they even charge for cotton balls and q-tips. Get newborn diapers and bring a few size 1 just in case you have a bigger baby.

  9. The only thing you need is a car seat and an outfit to go home in. The hospital will most likely provide everything else. We got extra formula and a new pack of diapers, vaseline for the circumcision, extra 2oz. bottles and nipples, a kit for the breast pump. Good luck!!!

  10. I don't know about where you are, but they started with a new pack of newborn Huggies when my little girl was born and the ones that were left we got to bring home.  I am sure we where charged for them somehow.

  11. I would say no need to bring diapers. The hospital we went to used pampers, they even gave us a new pack and the rest of the open one they had for her. Now my daughter was in NICU for a couple of days so that might be why they did that. I guess it never hurts to bring them though. That was the last thing on my mind when I went in labor early and didn't have anything ready to go... =) Good luck and Congratulations.

  12. I'll be bringing them with me, because I don't like disposable diapers.  They will give you a package of whatever they use, probably a brand name.  Different hospitals use different brands.

    They won't put diapers in a line item on your bill, but you'll pay for them whether you use them or not, so you might as well use what they give you.

    The same goes for pads, peri-bottles, sample toiletries, toothbrush, sitz bath, drink cup, etc.

  13. i have not been to a hospital yet that charged for diapers, but the states may be can bring your own if you wish. They do use the newborn ones with the nip in them, even if yours dosnt, you can fold the top of the diaper down.

  14. My hospital didn't charge us for diapers, it was included.  They also used Pampers Swaddlers newborn and they had the hole cut out for the stump.

    I even liked that they weren't branded with Sesame Street.  :-D

    They even sent me home with a couple of packages of diapers!

  15. the hospital provides alot of diapers, and they shouldn't charge you for them. The hospital i gave birth in didn't charge me, and brought me as many as i needed. You could always bring your own. I did just in case. Most newborn diapers have the "dip" in them for the umbilical cord. I cant remember if it was huggies newborn or pampers newborn diapers i had for my son... all i remember is that they had winnie the pooh on them lol.  

  16. I've given birth twice at two different hospitals, and they both provided everything I needed for the baby--even something to wear and a little hat (even though I brought my own going home outfit)  I even went home with extras and so many samples.  They told me that they will just throw the extras away, so I thought I might as well take them!  

    My insurance covered everything as well :)

  17. Totally not necessary.  They have diapers and everything your baby will need for his/her stay there.  Just have some in the diaper bag for the way home.  My hospital used pampers swaddlers and they worked just fine.  Not sure if they charge you for each one as my insurance covered my delivery.  Anything they put into the bassinet cart is fair game - we left will all kinds of supplies!  The nurses encouraged us to take it since they can't be used for another baby once they are on your baby's cart.

  18. No, they provide you with diapers, a diaper baby with formula samples, wipes, a little hat and a tee shirt for the baby.

    You should bring:

    An outfit for the baby to wear home

    a receiving or quilted blanket-depending on the time of year

    some footie's or slippers with a rubber sole

    3 pair of under wear

    a nightgown for you to wear when you have visitors

    and your personal items-body wash, washcloth or scrubby, lotion, your own sanitary napkins, deodorant, comb, brush-when I had my 1 son my hair was sticking up on top of my head!! No one told me until I saw myself in the bathroom mirror. they were so busy looking at him!!

  19. Our hospital charged for everything provided for the baby whether you used it or not so make sure to take it all home. They gave wipes and huggies new born diapers, a nose sucker, thermometer,  formula if you choose to use it, and pads for mom. I took the formula anyway since I would be charged for it and donated it.

  20. You don't have to bring diapers or wipes or even blankets to the hospital, unless you have a nice one that you want to bring. And they are pampers that they use at the hospital, with the little dip. The ones I used even had the strip at the bottom to tell you if the diaper was wet or not! On the day I left my nurse packed a whole bunch in my bag to take home with me as well!

  21. They will definitely have diapers there for you and they will charge you for them whether you use them or not.  The hospital I was in didn't have that little notch thing you just folded the top of the diaper down to under the cord.  Once a pack of diapers is opened at the hospital you have to take it cause they can't use it anymore same with the wipes.

  22. From my experience in washington and oklahoma and from what I have heard from people their is no need to bring diapers with you.  They provide diapers, wipes, the whole nine yards! I have never heard of people being charged for the diapers at all, in fact everyone I know has been able to take home the open pack with them because they cant use them on another baby. Congrats and good luck!!

  23. Generally hospitals will provide the diapers. They will even let you take home what is left over in your baby's cart. I don't know about the new diapers with the dip, but maybe your hospital carries them. I doubt it because they're probably more expensive, and hospitals may not go for those when a regular diaper is just fine if you roll it down.

  24. I would bring 2 or 3, but most hospitals provide diapers until you go home, and then they send home any that are left under the portable crib. They do charge for them , but it is a general charge that includes other things too. Some do have the actual newborn diapers and some don't, it depends on the hospital.

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