
Do I need to change my FAFSA now that my mother is recieveing Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?

by Guest21206  |  earlier

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My mother and I filled out the FAFSA form and turned it in in January 2008. She has been unemployed due to multiple joint surgeries. But after we turned in the FAFSA form she was approved for Social Security Disablitity Insurance (SSDI) and now receives $1275 a month. Is it necessary for me to change FAFSA? Or will I just need to change it NEXT YEAR?




  1. The most recent fafsa you filled out was inquiring about your and your moms income for 2007.  If she started getting SSDI in January 08, this would not effect her 2007 income.  

    Next year when you do the fafsa, the yearly amount she received would go on your fafsa.

    Good luck.

  2. It all depends.....What was your efc??? if your efc wasnt zero, then i'd recommend that you change it, that way you get more money for college.

    or better yet, you can call your school's financial aid office, but dont reveal identity to them unitl you hear their response, just call them and say i just want to know.......

    Good Luck!!!

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