My son is 11 weeks old. I started with attachment parenting. He sleeps with us, feeds on demand and has his every cry attended to immediately. This has been working out great for us until lately.
Lately he has been suckling for comfort and then spitting up TONS of my milk when he's done. He will not take a pacifier - no matter how long I try to get him to take it.
He has also been wanting to nurse for comfort during times when its just not possible for me to attach him for a half hour to an hour. If it were to feed him, fine.. but he just wants to nurse to sleep.
He will not fall asleep unless he is nursing.
He will not take a bottle - not matter how hungry he is. He just cries and will not take it. Like I said, he has been only nursed, so he doesnt know how to suck from a bottle.
I think I need to change my parenting style, but Im not sure. Will this stage end? Is it a stage? Now that hes almost 3 months old, should I stop coddling him? I need some real advice from experienced mothers.