
Do I need to file an Accident Report to DMV?

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I received a form from my insurance company today to report the accident I was involved in. My car was hit in a parking lot of a shopping center while I was window shopping a few days ago. It was a case of a hit and run . Now I have to pay the deductible of $500 for repairs. Should I still file the DMV form for the accident when there was no other party that will file the report since it was a hit and run and I was the victim? This will surely show in my driving record and the motor vehicle history that will make my insurance premium higher and will reduce the resale value of my car, don't you think so?




  1. Since you did not provide the state you live in, it is hard to answer.  In Indiana, if damages are more $1000 or more, you are required by law to fill out an SR22 form.  Either the police officer making the report, insurance company, or DMV will provide you with this form.

    You fill out the form and send it into the DMV.  You will not have any marks on your driver history nor should it show up on your driving record.

    Now, what is going to make your insurance go up (maybe) is you putting the claim in to your insurance company.

  2. It will not come up on your driving record as you were not driving at the time your car was hit and received no ticket for a moving violation. And your insurance rates should not go up, they can only raise your rates for an accident that was your fault. Since this was a hit and run on a parked car, you are not guilty of anything.

  3. You were not driving the vehicle at the time so you won't receive any points on your driving record. Since your insurance company is already aware (you filed a claim?) making an accident report won't have any effect on that either.

    You don't state what the damage was but I would suspect from your description that it was very minor and if the damage is fixed shouldn't reduce the value of the car. If you don't get it fixed it will though.

    The insurance company wants you to file an accident report to help make sure you are not making a fraudulent claim since make a false police report is a crime.

    Just go to your closest police station and file the report. It's not a big deal.

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