
Do I need to get a US and Philippine passport for my newborn baby?

by  |  earlier

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I recently gave birth to my daughter and I want to bring her back home with me to manila next month. Do I need to get 2 passports for her? American and Philippine passport? Thanks.




  1. did you 2 get your marriage transcribed to the the consulate of the Philippines also ?

    your child will have to have a US passport to reenter the US , it is the law for all children at birth.since she is a US citizen.(for travel purposes.)

    so get her passport for safety return rights to US .

    if you cannot afford both ? get the US one first .

    do have your child's birth records transcribed to the Manila officials in the US ? (any Philippines consulate in the US near your residence will do .

    it not ? you must do so, in order for your child to get a Philippines passport if she does have one yet ?

    if you have not done this yet? it may take some time to get all papers done and translated for the consulate uses.

    so get the US passport  for your child .

    apply at any post-offices in the US that does accept passport application , the child must be present with you ,upon return to the post-office .

  2. If your a US citizen and it shows that on her birth record she will not be able to get a Philippine passport, I have a friend here in the Philippines right now that was denied to get their baby a Philippine passport because the mother was a us citizen at time of birth.

  3. I think either one will be enough, but call and ask.

    If you need US Passports, better hurry up, there is a big backlog

  4. Yes.

  5. It'll be fine to have US passport only and process her filipino passport once you're in manila if you want to do it there but its easier for you to process it here in United States

  6. if your child was born in the USA--and I assume you or her father are here legally--your child is by definition and law a US citizen

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