
Do I need to get approved by my advertisers every time I add a new website to CJ?

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Ok, I just added a new website to my Commission Junction account, but do I need to get approved by my advertisers for the new site or can I just use the links? My concern is that the advertisers will not honor (pay) the clicks/conversions generated by the new site!




  1. Hello Vince,

    the answer is YES, you need to apply to each company again, to get their approval to use their code for your new website. Very simple case of control of content, most companies have strict rules where they want to see their ads being distributed. For that reason your new website will be reviewed and dependend on the content the website will be approved or declined. For example if you have 3 different websites and you have applied to the same advertiser it can absolutely be the case that just one or two instead of the three sites get approved. So the answer is definately yes, you need to apply again. I hope that helps,

    Best Regards,


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