
Do I need to give an oral 2 week notice?

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I am planning on giving a 2-week notice to my current employer once I receive a different job. My manager is usually only there in the mornings, and I usually only work afternoons and evenings. Will a letter of resignation suffice, or do I need to talk to her as well? I don't really want to talk to her either, because I am telling her that I am leaving because I need a higher paying job for school, which isn't a's more because I'm tired of the one doing most of the work (I work at subway) and not being recognized for it...and she schedules me really bad hours.




  1. Oral is fine.  Written is better but at a job like Subway, not really necessary.  Your boss will probably be impressed that you even gave a 2 wk notice.  Most people don't at that type of job.  But if you think she schedules you bad hours now wait until you've turned in our notice.

    But a written notice is always the preferred method of giving notice.

  2. A letter of resignation is a great idea (you always want to get things in writing, just in case!), but oral notice is probably a smart follow-up. It will give you peace of mind to know that she did, in fact, receive your resignation letter. You don't need to go into detail about why you're leaving, just tell her that you are giving your two weeks' notice.

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