
Do I need to give my SSN and Birthday when I make medical claim due to a car accident?

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Please help me on this. The other parties insurance is asking me me SSN and birthday. Is t necessary? He said he needs it to claim for medical.




  1. yes, but only to an insurance agency, not an individual.  there are a lot of scams out there, so be sure your ss# and b/d are protected.  NEVER give it out to any other except for the agencies where it is require...

  2. It is your right to withhold your information.  Just because some clerk is filling out a form that asks for your SS # and birthdate, does not mean you have to provide it.  I always say: "I dislike giving out this personal information, can I provide instead, some other kind of information to you ? "

  3. No, never give out your social security for medical.  They can not make you either, it is a very risky practice and totally unnecessary. Tell them to issue you a case number.

    Tell him he is very wrong and the law protects you in this case.

  4. not necessary to give out your SSN unless it is related to taxes.

  5. i would just hand over my insurance info and license number if possible also get theres as well but as far as ssn and dob let the insurance take over from there!!! its an accident not a credit verification...

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