
Do I need to give wedding invitations to everyone individually?

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I am having a semi formal wedding *defined as not redneck but not fancy by any means* at my church.

My church has about 200 regular attendees/members. I am planning on announcing our wedding date this Sunday at church and let everyone come that would like to come; including the cake reception after the ceremony.

Does each person really need an invitation from church? What if I accidently exclude someone? What if I invite a woman but forget her sister or something....I don't want anyone excluded that wants to be there....but I don't want to be tacky too.

I would rather make an announcement and hang my beautiful invitation on the bulletin board and have RSVP card on the bulletin table?

What do you think?




  1. well you should send out an invitations to each family. not necessarily each person

  2. Besides hanging your invitation up, you could also ask your minister to make an announcement about your wedding and to let everyone know that they are invited.

    Best wishes to you.

  3. Ur situation is easy to understand.. I would personally just annouce it and tell them u didnt want to hand out invitations bc u didnt want to leave anyone out.. Im sure they will understand

  4. no

  5. Wow !   I think you may  get more then you bargain for.  

    But if you are confident and comfortable doing it that way then go for it.

    Best of luck.

  6. If not too late, contact your church secretary and have her put it in the bulletin.  That way, even the bed rest and the nursing home members will be able to see the invitation and no one will be left out.

  7. i think its fine.  I got invited to a wedding by myspace message one time lol.  As long as people know that i dont see why there would be a problem

  8. i think the people your close to you can tell them by mouth but the other give an invitation to them.

  9. If you want someone to attend your wedding, you need to send them an invitation.  Annoucing it and sticking something up on a bulletin board is not only insufficient, but tacky.  If you want them to care enough to attend, you should care enough to invite them properly.

  10. I think your idea is wonder full and your concerns are well founded. If you make the announcement and leave and RSVP sheet people can let you know that they will be coming without the cost of so many invitations or the worry of leaving someone out or something like that. I think that your plan solves all of your problems and does so with class and efficiency.

  11. Your wedding would be defined as "casual" or "business casual."  Semi formal would be a sit down meal with everybody all dressed up....

    I would advise you to re-think your invitation list.  You really want to invite the whole congregation?  Families, etc...?  And, if it's hanging on a bulletin board, anybody who walks by?  A wedding is an event to share with family and friends, not "anybody that wants to be there."  It is still considered a sacred vow in the church.  Certainly, if you make a general announcement your congregation can come to see the vows.  But an invite to everybody is going to be more headaches than you can imagine...

  12. I say hang it on a bulletin board that way everyone can read it. If they want a copy of your invitation they can ask you for it. But I don't think you need to give everyone in the church one. I would also make sure you announce it not everyone reads the bulletin board.

  13. No, i don't think you have to invite everyone individually. If you want an open wedding, everyone knows that they are welcome to come. (it's also nice to invite them all to the reception, good for you!) I think you should do the open invitation in the bulletin, then send personalized invites to anyone who you'd really like to be there. that will let them know that you'd really like them to attend and you're not just being polite by inviting everyone. Good luck!

  14. I don't think a universal invitation would be tacky at all, and having the RSVP's on the table is a good idea so you know how many to cater for.

  15. I'm getting married in 4 weeks!  We also wanted to include our church family in the invitations. We gave an invitation to the church secretary that will be printed in the August church newsletter and also putting one on the bulletin board.  We also are doing a cake reception in the fellowship hall after the ceremony.  Other members of our church have done it that way.  I sent one invitation to the office where I work, that ended up on the bulletin board, and one invitation went to his department in the hospital where he works (also was put on the bulletin board)

  16. Make your announcement.

    Make it clear in your announcement that everyone is invited .. and that you know some people may be absent today - but they are invited, too.  You might mention - to please let them know about it - if they should see them - and to confirm to them that they are invited.

    Put your invitation on the bulletin board.   Be sure - to put the invitation up on the bulletin board with lots of time in-advance ... this will give enough time for everyone to know about it.   Ask for RSVP.

    And - if you know of anyone who was not there  - make sure they know about it.

  17. When the entire congregation is invited, an announcement from the pulpit as well as an announcement in the church bulletin is sufficient. If the church has an email list, the church office could also send out an announcement.

    Hope this helps!

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