
Do I need to hold a concert to convince people they aren't making the world hotter?

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Do I need to hold a concert to convince people they aren't making the world hotter?




  1. The Earth has had ice ages, they were cooling periods, between them were warming periods. This has been going on for all of Earth’s 4 + - billion years. This all happened before any of the modern day technology came into being and will continue after we are gone.

    The Earth is going through a pole shift right now. A pole shift is when the magnetic poles swap polarities. During pole shifts the magnetosphere is weaker and more of the Sun’s rays strike the Earth, this causes extra heating of the Earths surface, and makes global warming more pronounced.

    These are natural cycles of the Earth. We puny stupid humans can no more stop or even reduce a natural cycle of the Earth, than the man in the moon. This is 9th grade science, and one would think that scientists and politicians would be better educated, but it seems that this not so, and they could remember 9th grade science class too.

    This may just may be another smoke and mirrors propaganda campaign to cover our governments lies and con games. There are so many conspiracies running rampant it’s hard to tell which are real and which are just simple stupidity. The idea we can stop global warming IS stupidity at it’s highest form.

  2. no more concerts

  3. Oh, but I AM making the world hotter!   *boooo's*

  4. YES> And have the Flaming Lips and RA be the Headlining acts, just for arguments' sake.


  5. Would a concert convince these people

    "I have come to believe that there is a substantial human effect on the environment"

    Senator Larry Craig (R Idaho)

    "There's an emerging consensus we've got to deal with climate change... it would be tough to cut greenhouse gasses sufficiently through voluntary programs alone"

    Senator Lisa Murkowski (R Ak)

    "Climate Change is here - we have to face that fact". Senator Mike DeWine (R Ohio)

    "Man's behaviour has affected the climate" Senator Chuck Hagel (R Neb)

    "I have urged the President to work through international means to address global climate change... but stronger action will have to be taken in the future on a multilateral basis" Senator Arlen Spector (R Penn)

    "We take climate change very seriously for we are both a major economy and a major emitter" Condoleeza Rice

    "If we stay on our present path, we face an unacceptable choice: Either we sacrifice global economic growth ... or we sacrifice the health of our planet to continue with fossil fuel growth. This is a choice we must refuse to make. Instead, we must cut the Gordian knot of fossil fuels, carbon emissions and economic activity. This current system is no longer sustainable" Condoleeza Rice

    "The World needs to slow stop and then reverse greenhouse gas emissions" Joint statement by APEC heads of government including President Bush and Australia's right wing Prime Minister John Howard.

    "We should be treating, I think, the whole issue of climate change and global warming with a far greater degree of priority than I think is happening now" Prince Charles

    "Our nation has both an obligation and self-interest in facing head-on the serious environmental, economic and national security threat posed by global warming" John McCain

    "We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late. The science is clear. The global warming debate is over." Arnold Schwarzenegger

    "I do believe there is global warming" Rudi Guiliani

  6. just have one that condemns science, reason and facts

  7. I hear Emmitt Otter and his jug band need the work.

    That's about the only act you'll be able to sign up for your winger denial party.

  8. Yes. The only person that you'd have to invite is Al Gore. Maybe he'd get off of his high horse long enough to listen to common sense science instead of cherry picking data. But, that is a just wishful thinking because global warming is now his bread and butter. He's getting richer, fatter and more powerful as the years go by and acts like he invite it, just like the Internet.

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