
Do I need to know algebra or calculus before I can succeed at statistics?

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I just want to get math out of the way for my degrees. I'm going for an associates, bachelors, masters and doctorate in business. I'm also going for a law degree.




  1. It depends on the statistics class you take.  No matter what though, you will need to know algebra.  Unless you are taking a more advanced statistics class (hypothesis testing, MLE/MOM/MVUE, fitting), you will do fine without calculus.  

  2. To learn statistics, basic algebra is obviously necessary. But, a little idea about sets and their relations wont harm. Set is the first gateway towards calculus.

    But as you are learning stats. you need not go towards calculus, but just hav knowledge about set. You will do fine.

  3. Basic algebra (high school level) is necessary, but I never took calculus and got an A in statistics.

    Sounds like you'll be fine.

    Good luck!

  4. Beat's me what a doctorate in business does, but I suspect the others answer are right:

    The sort of statistics one does in the "Business statistics course" likely does not assume any calculus and only basic algebra.  It bypasses all that by predigesting the hard stuff into rules to follow & case studies.

    If by business however, you mean to get into the likes of statistical arbitrage & computational economics, then algebra may be of more interest than you expect & calculus likely also useful.

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