
Do I need to leave a tip if I get take-out at a restaurant?

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  1. I don't tip the girl at McDonalds....

    No, you don't need to leave a tip. If you have the means and feel like they deserve it, then sure leave one. Many restaurants now have surcharges on takeout anyway  so they get paid for that "extra" work to put it in to go box.

  2. I think the best choice is leave the tip to peekaboo workers

    and candy shops causeof that ily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  3. Depends - if you order the food as "to go" without dining in, no you wouldn't tip.  I waitressed at Shoney's a long time ago. We had separate tickets called "go tickets" for anyone who was taking the food with them.  That way, the "to go" items wouldn't be charged against our tips.

    If you eat in and get a slice of pie to go, yeah you'd tip on that.

    If you want to be sure, just ask the person taking the order if your order would be counted in their ticket total at the end of the day, or if it'd go toward "to go" totals.

  4. I think people should really take a minute to realize all that goes into a to-go order. Should you leave the same tip as if you had dined in the restaurant? No, but you should leave at least 10%. Here's the typical process:

    1. Take the order over the phone, answer questions, get contact info. Sure, that's not a lot, but it takes time if you're already busy.

    2. Make sure the kitchen gets the order and knows it's to go. Even if you marked it as such, they often overlook it.

    3. Keep an eye out for it in the window.

    4. Pack everything up. This is the annoying and time consuming part. You have to make sure everything is included, i.e. side sauces, special requests, bread, butter, salad, dressing, etc. This can take up to 10 minutes, which is a long time if you have other tables or people to wait on.

    5. Ring the customer up and give them their order.

    All in all, I'd say this deserves a tip!!

  5. I would say a couple bucks... depending on what you had.

  6. I usually don't.  If I seem to be a pain and order a lot of special stuff (I'm kinda picky) and if they get my order right and they're nice I'll tip a dollar or 2 but usually no.

  7. Some of these answers blow my mind. Yes they put "all that hard work" into putting your order together...big whoop. I mean it is their JOB right? As a receptionist I don't get a tip for being super nice or helpful on the phone. It is expected of me because it is MY JOB. yes waitresses should be tipped based on the level of service they provided but just getting the take out order ready to go, I mean come on what kind of extra supurb service did they provide? isn't that what their paycheck is for? Sorry if I offended anyone out there, remember this is just my opinion it doesn't have to be yours. I guess give what you feel comfortable giving, as for me if I am ordering food from a restaraunt that you are working out AND I come in to pick it up I won't be leaving a tip. Now if I had ordered that food and you delivered it to my door, then I would be giving out a tip. You all make it sound like the servers is doing me a great favor by giving me the food I paid for.

  8. if it is a sit down type restaurant that you are ordering take out from and picking it up yourself you should leave a few bucks for the waitress/waiter that got everything together for you,maybe not 20% but anything is always nice. They remember you the next time you come in and sit down.

  9. no ,

  10. I have worked in many restaurants and I think it comes down to if it is a place that is normally a sit down type restaurant  that has host and servers then it is appropriate to tip 10% it is not a MUST but it is kind of expected and definitely appreciated being that that server has to make your soups, salads, dressings for salads, breads, toasts and not to mention take the time away from the customers that are sitting down at the tables to take and pack your togo. Remember they do get WAY less then min wage because they work for tips unlike McDonald's where they get a hourly income.   I do however think places that advertise TOGO and have a special person to do togo's that tipping is not as important...but I still tip them too (you can tell this because they usually are wearing a togo name tag or dressed differently then the servers) they get a houly income as well the do not depend on tips to pay their bills But it is still not as high as a host or busser may get paid so it helps them too.  I hope this helps :-)

  11. I don't think that it is expected but it is a nice gesture.

  12. No only if you think they did good.

  13. nah but is you wanted to

  14. It's usually up to you but NO you don't need to.

  15. If you want to it would be really nice to leave A TIP!!!!!!

  16. THis used to be my job- AND I GOT PAID FOR IT! So no, dont leave a tip.

    Tipping is out of control in this country. Next thing you know, you will be required to tip the vending machines!

  17. no

  18. It is not expected, but very much appreciated. You have to remember waitresses only make between 3-4 dollars an hour. They are usually the ones that get the order ready for you. Alot of people assume waitresses get the minumum wage, but they don't.

  19. Yes, give and help the minimum wage workers.

  20. I always do because they are still making and packaging your food. But technically i dont think you do. i always make sure i do especially since i go to a lot of places by my work a lot, and since i tip they know my name and give me extras. Tipping about 10% or more is about right.

  21. Generally I don't.  However if I frequently order "take-out" from a sit-down place I'll throw in a tip because i'm there often enough.

  22. If we are talking about McDonald's or Taco Bell,or something,then I say NO!I never do.

  23. don't need to.

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