
Do I need to master C in order to learn C++?

by Guest33381  |  earlier

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Hi everyone! To help you answer my question, allow me to give you an idea of my programming skills.

Actually I already had some experience in C up to flow control methods such as loops, but not much with arrays and data structures. As for arrays and data structures, I'm already quite familiar with them in MATLAB. Since I work with MATLAB extensively at school, I have acquired the skill of programming GUI's by hand (not with GUIDE). My academic experience with C is one semester (5 months).

I would like to improve my C (or C++) skills. I'm stumped in my choice of two books by Deitel, "C How to Program" or "C++ How to Program". I'm inclined to do C++ because it has object-oriented programming capabilities. What do you think?

Thanks for your help!




  1. Hi, I think C++ is an independent language and you do not need to be an expert at C language. Every language has their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, if you are inclined to learn C++, go for it. Object Oriented Languages are good at bringing a wider concept of programming in your mind and I am sure you will enjoy learning C++. Good Luck.

  2. It really depends upon your learning objective.I am a learner myself and use deitel books. Both of them are great. The 5th edition of "C How to program" provides a lot of guidance and help in game programming. In addition it has chapters on C++ as well. There is no harm to buy either of them. How ever it is good to start from C so that you can appreciate the true power of C++ language.


  3. No you do not. You can start learning C++ straight away ( )

    Learning C will make your experience with C++ a lot easier, but it isn't a compulsory requirement.  

  4. What will make it even easier (and make you a much better programmer) is learning programming.  (Learning a language isn't learning programming.)  Try this:

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