
Do I need to pay for the food that I had cancelled?

by  |  earlier

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I waited for almost an hour before I cancel it.




  1. if the server never told you that you were going to have to wait that long (maybe the restaurant was busy) or none of the managers on duty took care of you (ie gave you a small something in the meantime and/ or told you the situation), then absolutely not!

  2. I feel that you should not pay for it, especially if you have other food on the bill.

  3. I wouldn't pay.I waited for a pizza one day and after an hour i called and said id like to cancel.He said "oh you wanted it delivered?".I was really upset cause i had to go to work shortly.So i ate a pizza pocket instead.He really wanted me to still want the pizza and he probably would have sent it then, but an hour is a long time to wait for any type of food.

  4. I think not.

  5. i most certainly would not pay for that after an hour!!! they better get some better service

  6. You waited an hour in a restaurant for your order? No

  7. Yes, if right before it is delivered to your table at a restaurant and it is within a reasonable amount of time and the place is clean, etc. etc.  But if it is delivery and they say it will be there in 45 minutes and it is an hour and a half or more, then yes.  I would go with your heart and if they are really busy in a restaurant and have a very large party and apologize to you for a fifteen minute late dinner but offer you a cocktail or desert then yes it is ok.  If they are just late then well complain!  If that does not work, then don't eat and don't pay!!

  8. I would believe that since you did not eat the food, that you are not responsible for paying for it. If you ordered drinks or anything while you were waiting, you are of course responsible for those. Recently, I was in a party of 4 that had to wait for over an hour for our food. The manager came out and told us that it was on it's way, but he was paying our bill because it took so long. Most reputable restaurants will compensate you for such a long wait, if they want your business. Word of mouth can make or break a business, and if they compensate you for your trouble, you are less likely to complain to your friends about the bad service.

  9. The waitstaff should give you a reason and should have offered you a discount or free dessert. You should ask for the manager if you don't get the answers you want. A lot of times, management doesn't even know what's going on with the staff! Good luck next time!

  10. No.  If you don't eat the food, you don't pay for it.

  11. If you waited for almost an hour and it wasn't delivered by then, no. You should not have to pay for the food. If service is that

    slow then they should apologize to you and give you a free meal if they value your patronage!

  12. no u shuldnt pay.thats bull. =]

  13. You ordered it, it becomes yours. Was there an agreement or understanding of how long it would take for you get it? If not you owe for the food.

  14. You haven't provided enough information for anyone to be able to answer this question. What type of restaurant was it? Was the food delivered, or were you at the restaurant? Was anything said about the time it would take? Did you eat any of it? Did you ask what was taking so long, and if so, what was the reply?

    In general, I think that if you didn't eat any of it, they would have a hard time making you pay, though I cannot say whether that would be fair or not without knowing any more.

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