
Do I need to prime before topcoating spar varnish with a latex paint?

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I'm painting some wooden chairs this weekend and they have a spar marine varnish on them now. Can I just sand the finish to accept the new paint or do I have to sand and prime before topcoating? I know that sometimes you can use the old paint finish as a primer if it is in decent shape and not flaking off,but I'm not sure if this would apply to spar varnish as well. The varnish coat is not peeling or flaking off.




  1. Spar is some pretty rugged stuff and can react unfavorably to some paint products that are applied over the top.  You'll definitely need to sand this first with a 320-400 grit paper first if the varnish and finish are in good shape. . . coarser grits if not.  You'll have to prime this, but with my not knowing what product you intend on painting these with I'm hard pressed regarding recomending what primer you should use.

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