
Do I need to provide my social insurance number?

by Guest66962  |  earlier

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I provide childcare in my home and give people receipts for my services. One mother I deal with says she needs my social insurance number in order to do her taxes. I've never been asked for it by the other parents and am confused. I don't believe she needs it to do her taxes but do I have to give it to her?




  1. I believe that if you are providing a service and receiving income - you must claim this income on your income tax.

    If you have a business you have a business number.

    If the parents are claiming the childcare expenses, which most likely they are..., then you must do the same.

    I don't know if you have to provide your SIN but they will be providing your name.

    They are not paying you under the table... so claim it or Rev Cda will get you!

    All it takes is someone to claim it and you don't!

  2. Unless you have an EIN to give her the answer is Yes, you are required to provide that.

  3. Get an EIN ( Employee identification number  or ":Tax number.""Get this from the IRS.  Call them . it's easy to go.

  4. Do not give her your SS number.

  5. For Tax purposes, if parent want your SIN number you have to give to them so they can claim the child care expenses in the income tax.

    By doing so, you have to report the the income you earn in the tax return.

  6. Since you live in Canada, you operate under Canadian law.

    Call Revenue Canada.  You are almost certainly not required to provide the American Social Security number

    The next thing to do is ask RC for the Canadian equivalent of the IRS-granted EIN.  (Employer Identification Number.)

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