
Do I need to quit gambling?

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Just got my clock cleaned in Vegas to the tune of just under one paycheck (2 weeks). Went back to the ATM 4 times over the weekend. The last time I lost that much was about 3 years ago. Since then, I have been able to mostly avoid going to casinos and when I have keep my losses at about 2-300 dollars with good discipline. Then, out of nowhere I fell off the wagon. Previous to three years ago, I used gamble and lose all the time. But even then, the money I've lost is always $ I can afford to lose. I've never been in debt from gambling, lost a job, etc.

I definitely can be compulsive gambler. But I wouldn't say I'm addicted in that I can stay away (never go by myself) and control my losses most times I go. I'm just upset about this last loss and afraid it will affect me down the road when I have a family and stuff. Should I just quit or take it easy for a while.




  1. Quit!

    Then study the games you are playing. If you are losing that much, then you may not understand the game and what the house odds are.

    Gambling for recreation can be fun and entertaining, but not being able to manage your money is a sign that something is wrong.

    Learn to play Blackjack or Poker, and play small stakes, you can have just as much fun, and avoid big losses with proper money management and skilled play.

    You may even win something! LOL

    And stay away from the slots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. yeh

  3. If you quit while you are down, you can never win.

  4. No don't stop just use this link

    and you'll even get free money for all the major sites, no credit card required no deposit required

  5. I think EVERYONE needs to quit gambling. CASINOS ARE THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND ... like they say "money is root of all evil" right!

    At least you can acknowledge the fact that you might have a problem - some people are too blind and too money hungry to even notice!

    Your case isn't so bad. I can vouch for that because i just took a BIG hit these past two-three weeks.

    Long story short - in that time, i've been to the casino 8 times a week (i wish i was being funny). Yea, 3 times a day on the weekend! And every week day which was really bad because i would stay until i had work the next morning. about 10gs lost in the past couple weeks. it hurts. and the way i was going back almost everday(!) is disgusting.

    its the worst feeling in the world, and eventually gambling WILL effect everything around you. trust me.

    you seem to have good discipline, but gambling is NEVER a good idea. at least, not for long! (haha)

  6. You should quit in my opinion. Esp. if it will affect your family! You'd think that would give you a hint that something was wrong.

  7. You need to stop.

    In gambling you should ALWAYS be able to control what you lose.  If you set limits for yourself, and then later ignore them and spend more, you have a problem.

    If you talk about your gambling in terms of compulsive, falling off the wagon, and ask questions about needing to quit, then you have a gambling problem.

    Stop playing before some of the consequences you mentioned happen to you.

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