
Do I need to seal the wood prior to staining?

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I purchased a new door and want to stain it . do I need to do anything prior to applying the stain




  1. sand it wipe it down to egt all he dust and stain it

  2. It depends what kind of wood is it. If is a soft wood/pine,dougfur, redwood,cedar / you would have to use wood conditioner before staining, otherwise your stain turns out to be spotty not even. If is a hard wood /oak,Cherry,poplar,maple,etc no conditioner needed. Because the wood is more dense and stains evenly.

  3. After you stain the doot you can put a sealer on it to protect the finish. Check with your local home omprovement store and see if ther are not some stains that already have a sealer in them

  4. 1.  Take a sheet of #150 sand paper.  knock all the places off the wood that will make it look bad after the stain.

    2.  Fill holes with wood putty

    3.  Stain

    4.  Re stain


  5. No Other than wipe it down and be dust free

  6. If you fill it (not seal it) you will get a more even stain. Just use a liquid wood filler /steel wool it/stain/shelack/varnish. Thats wood "filler" not putty(many big store sales kids don't know the differance)

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