
Do I need to send a thank you card now?

by Guest67156  |  earlier

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It's my last day of work tomorrow. Today, my co-workers graciously took me out for dinner and gave me a small card and gift. I also brought in a card for them and some chocolates, thanking them for being such good co-workers. But that was before they gave me my gift, should I send another thank you card for the dinner and gift that they gave me today?




  1. If you thanked them at the time, I don't think you need to give them another card tomorrow.  You might send one after you've left saying, thanks again for everything....that sort of thing.  But that would be up to you.  I don't think it's needed.

  2. I don't think so I mean you gave them something and they gave you something...

  3. Nah, why do women always feel the need to gift everyone?

  4. no card, just thank them in person.

  5. Yes, Just send one to the office and make it to everyone. They will post it on the bulletin board. It is the proper thing to do.

  6. yes i would send one for the whole group!

  7. just thank em if u send the card they have to do somethin bck

  8. Yes, it would be a nice thing to do

  9. Send a card to the group as a whole thanking them for making your last day a great one!

  10. I agree with the others that you should wait one to two weeks and drop a card to them letting them know how you are doing and what a pleasure it was to work with all of them (even if it wasn't).  

    Do you have to?  No.  But if there's is one thing I've learned, it's a very small world and these are the people that future employers and co-workers are going to judge you by.  Regardless of whether or not it's legal or ethical for them to do so, the reality is that they will.

  11. I would wait a couple of weeks and then just drop a card saying your thinking about them and "Thanks again" for their gift.

  12. I would say a thank you card (for everything)  a week or so after you left the company. Don't send it to anyone particular just make it out to all the stuff. Usually company's would post it in the break room, reception area ect.  

  13. No. The second card wouldn't be as meaningful :)

    As long as you thanked them on the night then I'd say it's fine!


  14. You do not have to, but I think you should! I think that it would be nice for them to feel appreciated after you leave. If you do, wait until after tomorrow to mail it! Acts of kindness are so few and far between nowadays I think that it is a very nice idea of yours!

  15. You could but you really don't need to. You gave them a card and chocolates...I think its sufficient.

  16. Technically, you could just thank them in person... you don't have to send them a card... Thank them some way...

  17. Seems a little redundant,  but it never hurts!

  18. you don't need to send another card to him

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