
Do I need to serve food at daughter's birthday party?

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I am having a birthday for my daughter who will be 2 tomorrow. Her party is from 2 to 4:30pm. Do I need to make food for this or would I be alright to just put out some chips or something to snack on? If you think I need food, other than snack type things, please let me know what you would suggest. I'm just not sure what to do because it is after lunch and sometime before dinner. I am on a tight budget, so even some snack ideas would be helpful! I am expecting about 10 kids or so (ages 6 to 12) with their parents. Any game ideas would be helpful also. Thanks for your help!




  1. where its starts at 2 that kind of is around lunch time and ends right before dinner time so I'd do pizza and chips and some juice cake and icecream that should be good

    for games i'd say pin the tail on the donkey and apple bobbin

  2. Put out some finger sandwiches.

    Double Deckers.

    3 slices of bread, 2 fillings stacked.

    Remove crusts and cut into fingers or squares.

    Fillings need not be expensive. Lettuce, grated carrot or cheese, tomatoes, eggs etc whatever you have at hand really

    Let your creative genius out on the fillings and combination.

  3. At that point in the day I'd say you'd just need to put out munchies like chips and maybe veggies & dip. Of course you will have the cake too!

  4. A bit more of a snack, but not quite a meal, would be good. Try going to Sam's Club, or WalMart, they sell food items in bulk, so it would be perfect for a birthday party.

    I helped out at a birthday party once, and they played a game, where there was a prize wrapped, and then there were more layers of wrapping paper. Between each layer, there was a small prize. The children passed the layers of prizes around while there was music playing, and when the music stopped, they got to open a layer of wrapping paper/newspaper, and get a prize. The kids should be content with a small prize from the dollar store, providing it isn't a choking hazard.

  5. cake and ice cream and something to drink that will be just fine after all they are just little kids and they will have supper soon after the party is over

  6. What is wrong with just cake & ice cream? and soda or kool-aid. It's a Birthday party not dinner or a buffet.

  7. i think snacks are perfectly okay considering the time of day, especially if you are also going to serve birthday cake.  tiny pb&j sandwiches, chips and dip, veggie tray, any type of candy for the kids, maybe a meat tray of some sort.  you can also google ideas for snacks/treats and get some really good stuff that's pretty cheap.  my fav thing is fried oreos...super cheap and everyone LOVES them.

    as for games do the the tail on the donkey, hide and seek, duck duck goose, maybe a small relay race with a small prize, or bingo with a prize.  

    it doesn't have to be expensive or overwhelming to be fun!

    btw, happy birthday to your kiddo!

  8. I think snacks would be  just fine. As you say, it is after lunch and before dinner. Most kids will be to busy playing to really eat. If you have a pinata it would be great or play musical chairs. Most kids like potato chips or you could make nachos that is inexpensive. You could buy the nacho chips and make the sauce from Velveeta cheese.

  9. maybe something like pizza rolls or chicken nuggetts,chips and snack foods like that.I wouldn't go to extreme.if you have little ceasars pizza near you,you can get a couple pizza's for under 20 bucks but I wouldn't serve a bunch of food but you want to have something for your guests to munch ideas like musical chairs or a pinata might work..

  10. Snacks is good and one time I had mini croissants with CheezeWiz, because it was between meals like yours.  Instead of chips, crackers and Birthday cake of course. When the time includes a dinner hour we serve a meal, but not for a 4:30 function.

  11. No - not you don't have to serve food as such.

    But have some chips 'n' dips, some sticks of cucumber and carrots, cut up fruit, maybe some mini-muffins or scones (homebaked - better and cheaper) - and of course the cake.

    Noone will go home hungry - but you won't have spoiled anyones dinner either.

  12. Since its passed lunch time and before most dinner times I would just have cake and ice cream. If you feel like you need something else get some trail mix or chips and dips to snack on. Playing like a water balloon toss or pin the tail on the donkey would be fun for kids that age. Musical chairs is something else they would all be able to play.

  13. Just snacks are fine.....  most kids that age will be eating dinner between 5-6pm anyways, and a meal would spoil their dinner:) .....  My grandkids like cheese cubes with a tiny pretzel stick stuck into the top.  Neat and easy to pick up. Or a veggie/dip and/or fruit platter ..or Jello Jigglers.... and cake of course.....

  14. You don't have to serve food.  I think fruits, veggies and chip and dip is great.  Good luck and enjoy!!!!


  15. Yes just do some finger food it dosen't have to be expensive

    You will need refreshments

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