
Do I need to take Chemistry in HS to get into a good University?

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I've had a few friends say that you do- but Chemistry has absolutely nothing to do with my intended path, either in college or as a career. I'll have quite a few AP courses in other subjects under my belt by the time I apply, and... I really, really am not interested in pursuing anything in science or mathematics. Advice?




  1. OMG, don't listen to your stupid guidance counselor if that's whhat they are telling you.

    I got into a univerity with a 49% acceptance rate and I never took any form of Chem and I stopped Math after Algebra 2.

    You'll be fine. They'd rather see you get an A in a class 5 history classes senior year than an F and D in Science and math.

  2. No, it is not required. I was told the same thing last year and was urged to drop my additional English classes (one of which was Journalism and what I'll be majoring in College in) for a science class such as Chemistry or Physics. I decided not to and in the end I was accepted into all of the colleges which I applied to.

    Colleges don't care if you've taken chemistry or not as long as you have a solid gpa.

  3. I'm majoring in English, and have always despised math and science...but I did take Chemistry in high school (bane of my existence)...most good colleges (all of them, really) require you to take at LEAST 3 years of lab science, and usually want you to take Biology and Chemistry...and Physics if you can handle it. I took Earth Science, Bio, and Chem. It sucks, but if you want to keep your options open, it's best to take Chemistry.

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