
Do I need to take classes in highschool to become a lawyer?

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and what kind of classes would be best




  1. Yes - English, history, speech, math and government.

  2. WARNING:   Jobs in the field of Law are drying up FAST!!!  This is not a good field to invest in right now!!!   Reasons:  very bad economy, many people today (mistakenly) think they can do their own legal work thanks to the WWWeb, there are WAY TOO MANY law schools in the USA churning out WAY TOO MANY graduates to be supported by our country.  So IF you do graduate from law school, you probably won't be able to find a job.  IF you do find a job, you will find the law office environment:  is very political, is very competitive, be prepared to work A LOT, typically administrators are not interested in employees' best interests - they really only care about the employer.

    Suggestion:   Go into the field of Healthcare <<< LOTS of jobs there!!!

    Talk to your school Guidance Counselor about which classes to take - this is what they do.

    Good luck.

  3. No, but there are prep classes that would be advisable to take.  You definitely should join speech and debate, mock trial, or Model UN (I'm sure your school will have at LEAST one of them).  Take AP English classes, too - you'll learn how to write and read critically.

  4. no. no one will ever ask about this. focus on volunteering at a law firm or join volunteer human rights organization

  5. Just your standard intellectual classes will be fine.  Classes such as government, business law economics and if its offered debate.  Above all else, if you intend to go to a serious college like Harvard or Yale Law School then you will need to have extra curricular stuff like clubs or sports or even the debate team as I mentioned before.  High school wont really prep you for law school so much as it will prep you for college.  In your under grad years there will be certain classes you should take for law school but since that it obviously away off for you I will let your college counselors inform you of what those would be.  See law school is a school on top of your undergrad education.  First you will need to obtain a bachelors probably in prelaw or even business such as accounting or even economics and then you apply for law school after that which is another 2 year program.  So really you dont have to worry about what classes to take until your sophomore year in undergrad school.  Good luck.  FYI, you dont have to go to Yale or any of the other major law schools to have a heck of a career in law.  There is no shame in defending DWI cases or criminal law as well as getting a job as an assistant DA in a larger to midsized town and any of those types of occupations can easily be accomplished with your run of the mill legal degrees had from places like UOP online.  So don't worry about not getting into Yale, you can still have a nice rewarding career and a rather weathly one with a lesser legal diploma.  Good luck.

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