
Do I need to take general education classes in order to earn an associates in any field?

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I heard that taking some general education classes are just a waste of time and you don't really need them depending on what you want to study and on the other hand I heard that first I need to start with the general education classes before I can earn an associates degree. I"m confused what is the best route to take?




  1. Yes you'll have to take English 1A, Math 1A (different schools have different numbering systems, 1A just means the first college level), Political science, behavior sciences, etc.

    My absolutely best advice would be to get a graduation outline from the council office! It's a must for successful students, it'll say what courses you need from what area. The office has a million of them, some have them online, I know my school did.

    Also, remember that if you are planning to transfer to a 4-year, getting your associates degree and becoming transfer-ready are two different things.  The associates is much easier.

  2. Any college that is regionally accredited is going to expect you to take general education (GEN ED) courses the first two years to earn as associates degree that will transfer to a four-year degree program. The last two years are more focused on your college major.

    If you do NOT want to take GEN EDs then you need to look at technical schools.  Also, there are two-year degree programs offered at community colleges that do not have a heavy emphasis on GEN EDS, BUT if you later decide to go for a four-year degree, you will have to go back and take the GEN EDs you missed.

    It is very important that you do some self-analysis and figure out what you want to do with your life.  Next, look to see what type of education is required for that position.  

    One tool is the Self-Directed Search.  I put the link below, or you can read "What Color is Your Parachute?"

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