
Do I need to take the Wisconsin Motorcyclist Skills Test?

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I used to have my motorcycles license but let it expire back in 1986 when my son was born (best thing that ever happened to me). I am just wondering if I need to retake the Wisconsin road test for motorcycles if I used to have it?




  1. Do you have any evidence of passing the test previously?

    If not, I think they will want to run you through the test sequence

  2. Yes.  Nobody grandfathers you.

  3. When you look at your license does it have an M endorsement, if so you are good to go.  Something tells me the DMV will not have records (since they probably did not keep records on computers back then) or if they have the records they will filed away some place and the DMV will not look this up.  Without the M endorsement already on your license your best bet may be to just take the MSF course at a local tech school since getting a road test from the DMV is almost impossible here in WI, forget about it this year.  I swear they only offer ten people this opportunity a year( I know I am exaggerating but not by too much).  I only know one guy who found a slot in the last few years, the DMV says their budget is not big enough to offer more test--Hello Harleys are made here, I am sure they provide a large amount of tax dollars along with all of the other bikes sold, registered and what not....

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