Freeway merging lesson #1 - The vehicle merging has to yield to the vehicles already on the freeway. Therefore, if you are merging onto a freeway, it is you that has to yield and adjust your speed to safely merge into the freeway traffic and NOT the other vehicle....... Understand?
Lesson #2 - Going the same speed as the vehicle you are coming up next to doesn't make for a successful and safe merge. You have to either increase or decrease your speed. Usually merging behind the other guy is considerate rather than cutting the other driver off...... Understand?
Lesson #3 - If you are merging onto a freeway and there is another vehicle in front of you that is also merging. please don't be a dumbass and cross the solid line early and merge into traffic before the vehicle in front of you. It makes for an easy accident.....Understand??
Lesson #4 - You know that $25,000 vehicle you are driving? They have a special feature called "turn signals" Yeah...That's Right. USE THEM!!