
Do I need to to anything after I tell him?

by  |  earlier

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Do I need to do anything after I tell him he's very special to me? We've been friends for 4yrs. We're both single and in our mid 20s.

I don't know what to do after I tell him this. I'll tell him while we meet in private and that's all I'm gonna say. I don't want to kiss him. Or anything romantic because I want to leave it up to him on where he wants to take that info.

I do eventually want a romantic relationship with him.




  1. You have stated your case and now it's up to him, to see how he feels about you. Hopefully, it will match how you feel, although it may not.

    If not, then you will have to decide which way to go, stay friends, or     give up on the romance part and seek another boyfriend.

  2. tell him! what's the worst that could happen

  3. it would be good if u give him a hug or kiss him. it be kinda weird just to tell him and sit there or walk out. do what feels right.

  4. I would just hear him out.  I would say something like this is how I feel and there's no pressure just wanted to be honest with you and tell you how I feel now the ball is in y our court and I hope you can think things over and see how you feel, i'm ready whenever and if you are!

  5. I would ask him after if this changes things for us and how he feels about what i just told him?

  6. So, what are you waiting for?  An engraved invitation?  Right now, he may be thinking of you more like a sister instead of a romantic interest.  Stir the pot!  Get him to thinking!  I say, just plant a kiss on him, and walk away.  Leave him in shock.  I will guarantee that he will be thinking about the kiss for a while.  Then he will act on it.  I wouldn't say a thing.

  7. Just tell him that you just wanted him to know and you don't expect a response immediately. Tell him you really enjoy being with him and you treasure your friendship, and you hope, if anything that this declaration didn't ruin that. Then smile and leave. Give him a week or so to think about it and see how he acts around you.

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