
Do I need vaccinations to goto Costa Rica?

by Guest55807  |  earlier

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I am allergic to most vaccinations, and I want to travel to Costa Rica. Would I be able to without being vaccinated?




  1. Vaccinations are not a necessity. Tetanus would be good to have, even here in the USA.

    But no vaccinations are absolutely necessary.

  2. if you're allergic to most of vaccinations, don't go to Costa Rica, third world country, there are lot of diseases (mostly mosquito related)

  3. Yes, you would. They don't ask for proof of vaccination when you enter the country.  However if you are going to be spending time in rural areas and can tolerate the shots I would advise a tetanus shot.

  4. Only thing the CDC recommends for Costa Rica is malaria prevention meds if youa are visiting certin high-risk areas there.  See website below.

  5. We have a house in Nosara and have been visiting Costa Rica annually since 1989. Our kids have been going with us since each was less than a year old. The only we have done is tetanus. We haven't worried about Malaria since the early 90s since we are in the drier part of the country. If we were down south we may consider it.

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