
Do I need whitening cream for my dark skin?

by Praise  |  9 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Do I need whitening cream for my dark skin?

 Tags: cream, dark, skin, whitening



  1. Praise

     Skin colour isn't that a big deal but it effects the way you experience the world. The society believes the white skin is beautiful than other skin colour and this has caused dampening effects to the off-whites. Dark skin is beautiful, gorgeous, attractive and people should not be discouraged by their colour. 

    There are varieties of whitening creams in the market which pose serious health problems on the long term like skin cancer, permanent pigmentation, liver damage, mercury poisoning and others. Women are high consumersof this creams compared to men and research shows Indians are high users of it.

    It is good to be proud of your skin as this boost your overall well being.



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