
Do I possibly have Insomnia?

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I have trouble sleeping at night. And sometimes I go two to three days with out sleeping at a time before finally crashing. Other times I won't sleep at night, but then crash around four, and only sleep five hours before doing it yet again. This has been going on a couple months now. Could this possibly be insomnia? And should I maybe start taking Tylenol Pm at night to help me sleep?




  1. Why not just take the generic, diphenhydramine hydrochloride.  Look for a bottle of it under generic allergy pills and tablets.  Usually about $4.00 per 100 capsules.

    That's the active ingredient that produces drowsiness anyway in a lot of the over the counter sleep aids.  Check the ingredient list on the back of the name brand and the generic and save.  

  2. You should start taking a 30-60 minute walk every day.  Exercise helps a lot with sleep problems.  You won't sleep if your body isn't tired.  After you have walked for a few weeks, increase your time and speed.  

    Also, make sure your bedroom is cool, dark and quiet.  Run a fan for white noise if stuff wakes you up at night.  If you have pets, keep them out of the bedroom - they are more disruptive to your sleep than you might realize.  Do not drink caffeine after noon (that would be soda pop, ice tea, coffee, etc).

    Don't resort to taking drugs until you have exhausted all other options.   Good luck.

  3. One thing that may help you (besides stress reduction tactics that others have mentioned) is getting a routine going.  Very difficult to do when you have insomnia, yet vital to help defeat it.

    Your body operates on a schedule of activities (circadian rhythms) depending on the routine you give it.  Melatonin regulates this system, & makes hunger, sleepiness, & wakefulness correspond to the hours when you needthe energy or need the rest.  So, supplemental melatonin may help (its success rate is spotty though).  Try to go to sleep at the same time, wake up at the same time, eat at the same times, & do major physical activities around the same time.  Feeling better will compensate for the perceived boredom & lack of spontaneity of this routine.

    Medications can be a real lifesaver, so they shouldn't be vilified.  If you need Trazodone, Remeron, Temazepam, or something to make yourself tired enough to go to sleep at the same time, then do what you must.  I found Trazodone & Temazepam good at getting me tired enough, though Trazodone didn't keep me asleep.  Sleep medications can be habit forming, but once you have the routine going, you can resort to them as needed or wean yourself off of them.

  4. i would say stay away from any drugs/medicine for a start. and if u really think you need to take that route then seek a Doc's advise.

    Last year i had a lot of trouble geting to sleep. it was the actual sleeping that was the problem it was not being able to actually go off to sleep.

    It was mainly due to the fact that i wasnt working set times (worked from home) and so had no need to set an alarm .. so i woke up when my body told me to.. this caused me to get to much sleep and so was harder to get to sleep at night .. the cycle got worse and worse untill i was wide awake at 3am still but when i did sleep id not wake up until 11am or later ..

    solution to break this was hard but i just started seting my alarm earlyer and earlyer .. first i was seting it at 10am .. was hard geting up but after a few days i was crashing out at 1am or so ..

    i now get up at 8am everyday and im able to get to sleep before midnight without any problems ..   geting myself outa bed when i didnt really need to is hard and if your not working then there is no real reason either .. but now my sleep is regular i feel soo much better and i get up at 8am everyday

    Stress is a big issue as it can play on your mind while trying to get to sleep.  do you read ? i find reading a great way to let my mind wander away from importanting things going on in life .. i put the book down turn off light and just relax and only think about the book i was reading.

    Also tempture of the room you are trying to sleep in plays a big factor .. a cool quiet room is ideal .

    a hot shower before you go to bed also may help as when in the shower your body tempture will raise. get dry and into bed asap .. as your body tempture falls it will make you feel sleepy.

    Warm milk may also help before you sleep to relax you.

  5. I'm the same, and sleeping tablets make no difference!!!

    not helpful, I know, but you're not alone!

  6. I'm not an expert on Insomnia but I know people who had it and I think you do. Try using Tylenol PM and other medicines (USE BY RECOMMENDED DOSAGE. DO NOT OVERDOSE!). If that doesn't work perhaps it's something in your life that is causing it. Do you have hopes and dreams? What have you done lately to fulfill those dreams?  

  7. Yes, you definitely have it, but the good news is, you grow out of it.  You didn't say how old you are, but mine stopped when I had my first kid, in my 30s.

    Try meditation, not medication!  OTC drugs don't work - they only make you drowsy during the day.

  8. You might have to look and analyze what has changed to make you so awake?

    Are you eating later in the evenings?

    Are you drinking caffeine later in the day?

    Are you working out later in the afternoon?

    are you taking any meds, vitamins that could be causing this?

    if you are stressed about not having a job, or meeting your bf, maybe you could talk to someone about it? sometimes it helps to just talk, and releasing what you are holding in. Then maybe you might notice you will sleep better. I wouldn't go for the meds as some have suggested. It's not a long term solution. People are too quick to just 'deal' with a crisis with meds. Don't stress about not sleeping. Try meditating as someone has suggested. That apparently can do wonders. Quiet your mind. Wishing you all the best

    Or is something stressing you out? which could be disturbing your sleep?

    Bottom line, your sleep will be solved without having to resort to a sleeping agent.

    Your signs of not being to sleep are a symptom of something. So you have to tackle what is bothering you.

    If you can't and feel exhausted (physically and mentally bc it has been  many consecutive days of this), perhaps speak to your doctor about it.

    Over the counter stuff is great, but its not a long term solution.

    Perhaps try having chamomile tea in the evening, and reading a book, winding down, and just chilling. Even a glass of red wine helps (1 glass!)

    Listen to your body and try to understand what it is that could be bugging you.

    Best of luck, and hope you get some well deserved sleep. It can't be very nice going through this.

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