
Do I put my children in a Special Autistic School or Mainstream School ?

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My son has been attending a Autistic School in Australia for 3 years and it is his last year next year and my daughter would start there next year.

For my son we feel it's time for a change.

We feel if he continues next year it will hold him back more, although i love the school and have been happy with his progress so far but I do question it.

The primary school we were considering has also a base room.

I'm stressing out on what I should do, any advise would be great.

Is it easy to get an additional assistant for mainstream school.

Any parents who have been in this situation would love your opinion.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Hi.

    At the end of the day, you know your children better than anyone and I am sure you will make the right decision for them.

    My own view is that sometimes children who have autism are not suitable candidates for a mainstream setting.  The reason for this is the fact that many children with autism suffer distortions of sensory perception, which can be exacerbated in a class full of screaming kids. - It is not a conducive environment in which to calm an overactive sensory system.

    Read this

    or go here  

    Hope this helps

  2. I would go for the mainstream.  He will benefit from being around typical peers.  The least restrictive environment is what you should do.  My son was tested last year for the autistic program and was considered too high functioning for it.

  3. Are you in the western suburbs of Melbourne. Western Autistic school in Deer Park is the only autistic school I can find in the state which only goes for 5 years. P - 4. Assuming that I'm guessing that your planning to send your son to a school which has a base room of Sunshine SDS.

    It's relatively easy to get an aide in a mainstream school you just fill out the form and provide evidence for your claim. This can have a few problems as the Autistic category needs more documentation supplied than the rest.

    If you want to try a compromise you could enrol him in the base room which would be like shared schooling he'd get the benefits of being at the mainstream school and using their facilities and being with students without disabilities as well as getting extra help in a special class. He'd also get to use the specialized facilities of the special school. Which in some cases may be better able to meat his needs.

    You could try shared schooling next year with him still at the autistic school though.

    Sending him to a mainstream school which has a base room as a student in the mainstream school could also be good as they would probably have a better understanding of special needs children than another school which is just a mainstream school.

    You can find the eligibility criteria and the form for students with disabilities on the education website.

  4. It depends on the kid. I am in a special school. I like it. I was in a regular classroom but it was not working. I was picked on all the time. If you send him to a mainstream school, will he be picked on and bullied? That is something a lot of people don't think about.

    Why is it time for a change? If he is not gaining then he does need a different school but if he is, why change him?

    The things you question, can you work with the school to change?

    When I was in mainstream I had an aide but the kids called him a babysitter for me and made fun of me.

    I live in the US so maybe Australia is different but like my school. Everyone is like me but still different. There are bullies but they don't bully me because I am different. They just don't like my backpack or one guy didn't like my t shirt. I guess that is normal bullying I can take. Most of the people have many of the problems I do so if I sit alone or meltdown no one is calling me names.

    Self esteem is really important. At public school with regular kids I didn't have it and it was like going unarmed into the jungle everyday. At my school now I have more self esteem and it is a good feeling.

  5. i am in Middle School and my school has a great autistic program....we do "game buddies" this is where my class goes in and plays games with the autistic kids. Its really fun for me and my friends...and everybody seems to treat them as equals! :)

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