
Do I qualify for child support?

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My boyfriend has child from his first marriage and pay child support. I just found out a few months that I'm pregnant. I just want to know if the law protects the second child? Meaning, he already pays child support and A LOT and private school, if I end up taking him to court for child support do i even qualify? Would they lower the child support for his first child so it'll be even and fair for both child??? I'm just trying to find out my rights. Thanks,




  1. Yes, you should qualify, but how much is up to a judge.  Take the matter to social services after the child is born.

  2. Of course you qualify! He could have 10 other kids he pays on and he would still have to pay support to you as well. No they wont lower support on his 1st unless he gets it revised through the state, and they base what a man pays based on what he makes, not on how many kids he pays on.

    Good luck and dont make him not pay because you pity his situation. Not only you, but your child would suffer!  

  3. You will recieve child support for your child.  The other child's support may be lowered though. It depends on how much the b/f makes.  

  4. if yo9u have a kid and you dont live together...yeah maybe

  5. your baby has the same rights as his first one. He will have to pay child support no matter what...same as what he pays for the other kid. He might get a lawyer and try to lower it if your income is good, but there is not going to be a significant difference. Dont worry

  6.   No they will not lower the child support to the first child to make it even.  I'm sorry.  I'm sure you were aware that he had another child before you got pregnant.  The amount of child support that your child is awarded will be figured minus his current support obligation.

  7. yiou will get child support for your child.  I dont know what state your in but its normally a certain percentage of his wages.  No they will not lower support on the 1st child to make it fair.  

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