
Do I qualify for free birth control pills (details below)?

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I am a 20 years old, full time college student and I do not have an income. I want to get the pills because I am getting kind of serious in my relationship. Can i get services and birth control pills from planned parenthood for free? My parents have insurance, but my dad is the subscriber and I don't need my parents to know that i am taking birth control. Can I get the service and the pills w/o insurance?

Please give me good answers. No mean answers. Thank you :D




  1. They may give out free sample packs AFTER getting a consultation and pelvic exam done with a doctor.

    You are 20 years old, you are an adult, so go see a doctor and get birth control under the insurance.  Just let your doctor know that you don't want your parents to know you are on birth control (though they will find out eventually, they are parents after all!).  Planned Parenthood charges based on income, if you have none I'm not sure what they do.

  2. You could qualify for Take Charge at Planned Parenthood if you say have no insurance. They also work on a sliding scale for paying for birth control. But really since you have insurance and are over 18 you should go to the gynecologist for a check up anyway. They will give you three months worth of birth control to try out and see if it works out for you, if it doesn't you go back and they'll prescribe you something else.  

  3. Uhm, planned parenthood. Yes its free, you get free check ups and stuff. Its basically there for the need of people you really cant afford to go to the doctor.  Yes you can get the pills and service without insurance, just go to  planned parenthood. and tell them your problems, they will listen, they are always trying to help people. :]

  4. If you're covered by your dad's insurance, that's all you need.  Every young woman should see a gynecologist, and many young women have iron deficiencies related to their periods and the doctor prescribes iron.  The doctor and the pharmacy are not allowed to discuss the particulars of your care with anyone.  What you choose to tell your father... well, I've just given you one suggestion.

    Good luck!

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