
Do I really hate them?

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Sometimes I feel as If I hate my family do I really hate them or Is it just feelings that I have y do I feel this way I disagree with mostly wat they say I feel as If my father hate my F****ing guts and my mother died when I was two so now I have a step mother and u know how they can be Do I really hate them.




  1. No.

  2. Your step-mother is not your birth mother.

    So she is not blood related to you.. so she's basically just another person who married your father.

    I don't think you actually 'hate' your father. Just maybe angry and frustrated.

    I think you dislike your step-mother, which isn't really a bad thing.. but it can lead to more problems with the relationship between you and your father's.

  3. No.  Well, maybe  the stepmother.  My stepfather i thought was one of the greatest things around.  For 17 years he was married to my mom.  They were together for 20 years prior (thats another story) anyhow, my mom died 5 1/2 yrs ago and he turned into this greedy ****.  Stole everything in house and there was soooo  much stuff that my real father bought.  He threw my moms cloths away the day he put her in hospice she only was there 9 days till she died.  Well, he's selfish always was.  Got out of 2 marriages threw Cancer!  Oh yeah my stepfather was the mayor of a subburb of Cleveland Ohio for 20 years so he wasn't hurten. His lawyer & good friend was the mayor for like 30 yrs of the ajoing 'hieghts city' of ours, he faked my moms will and destoyed her pre-nup. (unbelievable, you'd think we were the Rockafellers).  And, we found out that he was sending it all to his son in Texas who lives in a 3 million dollar home all on 1 floor!!!!   Yeah, like he needed it!  Oh yeah and gave his granddaughter (a debutant 3 times now in Texas) all of my mothers good jewelry. My mother would have cut his heart out!  

    Anyhow, becareful of them Step-People.  They are all out for only themselves.  We all treated him like gold, especially me I never 4-got him for fathers day, birthdays, etc most times I spent more on him then my own dad always trying to prove my love.  

    Good luck.

  4. its okay to hate them

  5. I thnk you jsut get mad when you've had arguments-that;s all. sometimes i feel that way too, but it dies down after a while.  

  6. no i don't really believe you do.

    i understand having a step parent can be harsh

    and lately i been hearing about how so many fathers listen to their remarried wives, rather than sticking on their childrens' sides.

    unless he treats you bad, and never help you with anything, then it may be that you do hate him, otherwise it may just be because you're upset

    there have been many times when i "hated" my family, but sometimes i wonder what i would do if one of them will i cry and miss them, or just be hating and move on.

    but then every once in awhile, there are times when you wish they would stay the way they are with you forever [when they are being nice or something you like]

    but for me, one thing i've learned is to just take it for now, at least until you leave the place...and my goal is to go real far away from them [like out of the country] just so they won't be able to visit me whenever they want and i can have fun just being away from the family...

    idk if it helps, but i hope you feel better!
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