
Do I really need Rehab?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, so,

I guess I might have a problem.

I've suffered from bulimia for 4 years,

and I just recently decided to try to get my stuff

together, and stop making myself sick.

For a while, it worked,

but lately, for the past few months, actually,

I've been taking diuretics non-stop in order to try to

maintain my weight.

Also, I've been taking other medications to try to get rid of hunger.

But, the thing is that, they're not even used for that.

They're always either pain medicines or something along the lines.

People have also noticed that I've been drinking a lot more often,

and it's even cause some people to be concerned.

People have talked to me about these things,

so it must be a little bit obvious.

I've also used drugs in the past to try to maintain weight,

but that was a stupid decision, and I've realized that.

I don't feel like my problem is that extreme,

but people have mentioned rehab,

and I'm not sure I need it?

Please, no rude answers.

I know the things I'm doing aren't healthy,

and I don't feel good about them.

So, I really don't need to hear about how I'm a bad person,

or stupid for the things I do.




  1. Hon, based on what you've written above you need rehab to get healthy again.  You've tried to overcome the eating disorder on your own, but unfortunately as you see, it is harder than you thought.  You need to reach out now while there is still hope.   Please get help today before your health declines.  You really don't want to develop heart problems because once you go down that road, recovery is almost impossible. Make that commitment today...I wish you the best of luck with getting healthy again.  

  2. People assume that Rehab is just for people with extreme cases, this is not true. You can go and get help so that you put your life in order. They can help you to maintain your weight in a healthy way. They can even try and sort out your feelings to figure out why you feel the need to deprive your body of food. You shouldn't feel ashamed or scared. They are not there to judge you, only to help you through. If you don't feel that Rehab is something that you need, maybe consider to go speak to a couselor. They are great to help you sort out your life. I wish you the best of luck!  

  3. In many places here you have admitted to having some issues you need to overcome. I would recommend you begin by seeing a counselor. Work with that person to determine whether or not a rehabilitation type of intervention is needed. You may be able to work through your issues without taking that extreme. However, be prepared to do whatever is necessary to change your situation. Good luck!

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