
Do I really need a notarized letter to take my Car into Mexico, its registered to a different last name?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone,

So, I have a question, and seems like people here know what they are talking about, so here goes. My car is registered in my moms name because we never bothered changing it, and I wanted to drive into Mexico. My mother and I have a different name, and I have seen people saying that you need a notarized letter to get it through.

So, my question is, do I really need to do this? Has anyone driven across the border with a car registered to someone else? The car is nice, not super nice, and I dont look like someone that would steal a car, so, can I play stupid? First hand knowledge? I am heading down this weekend, so any quick advice would be greatly appreciated!!




  1. yes you do, unless you dont plan on taking into the interior. there is a 25 mile checkpoint on the mexican side of the border. you cannot play stupid. they are VERY serious about this! what does a car thief look like anyway? get insurance!!!!!! dont drive your american car down here w/o it.

  2. If you are not driving  past the checkpoint ( only going to a border town), or are going only to Sonora or Baja, you do not need to get a car permit.  For anywhere else , you must get a car permit.  To get thet permit you MUST prove ownership of the cer...registration and title.  If the car is financed, you must have a letter of permission from the finace company to bring the car to Mexico.  Other answerer is correct...they are dead serious about this.  You need to buy that car from your mother for $1.OO  and get the title and registration in your name.  The car MUST be your name. See site below.

  3. Just rent a car from a company that allows them to Mexico all you need is the paper work they give you. If going to the interior you get the permission sticker and going back cancel it. That way you don't worry about your car.

  4. Either get your name on the registration or leave the car at home... if you insist on doing it YOUR way... the car WILL be confiscated and you will probably do some jail time in a mexican jail... if you are LUCKY.

    OH... you DO know you need MEXICAN INSURANCE, I hope.  That will cost you $200 to $300 depending on how long you want it for... less if it's just a week or so.. but don't even THINK about driving in Mexico anywhere past the border without insurance... THAT is taken VERY seriously down there.

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