
Do I really need my fuel system cleaned on my 06 Ford Explorer?

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Was at Jiffy Lube, they reccomend cleaning the fuel system and changing the fuel filter at 15k miles on my truck. Do these two things really need to be done at 15k, and if not, when should this take place?




  1. Don't need to change the filter until it becomes a problem. that's what most people do.

    Cleaning the system is a joke. It gets cleaned with gasoline everytime you drive it. Jiffy lube is just hurting for business like everyone else.

  2. I would say I'm about changing the fuel filter, given it does get some debris and clogs you may run your fuel pump dry and burn it out and have a much bigger job on your hands, but not until 60k miles. The system cleaner I would'nt even mess with, that stuff can do more damage than good.  

  3. filter yes.

    ford says every 15-30K on that one.  15 in hard usage, 30 in light usage.  based on Ford's definition of hard usage, all of us drive hard (stop and go, sustained speeds over 50, driveing when it's hot, driving when it's cold, short runs under 10 miles)  all qualify.

    it doesn't hurt to get the filter changed, it will save you the much more expensive fuel pump replacement later as your pump works harder when the filter is clogged or partially so.

    on the fuel system... most gases, and all premium ones, contain some sort of cleaner now days.  you could have the same affect by running a tank or two of Chevron, Shell, Sunoco, or Exxon through your car...

    i periodically will buy one of the cleaners from the car store and run it, but beyond that there is really little call for it.

  4. all it really does is clean your wallet...ive driven 40 yrs and most i ever do is throw in a can of injector cleaner every year or so,,,if it aint broke,,don't mess with it...they r in bis to make money....your money

  5. Check with your owners manual or on-line at but I think fuel filters are suggested to be replaced around 60k miles.

  6. no you don't need these things, and I would pull my business away from Mr. Jiffy Lube.  If they're not honest about things that are not important, then they're probably not honest about minor trivial things.  A fuel filter, find out in your glove box in the car book what is recommended.  After my rash of fuel pump removals lately, I think I will change filters every 40k whether they need it or not.  On cleaning the fuel system, I use Chevron Techron every once in a while.  I've heard my talk show guy here in DC say that was the only cleaner he ever recommended.  I don't like someone fooling around under neath my hook if they're not honest.

  7. Check the owners manual it should tell you how often your explorer need this done.  

  8. id let them replace the fuel filter. as far as the fuel system cleaner it wouldnt hurt but its up to you on that

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