
Do I really need to keep my bonsai tree saturated everyday? Won't it make the tree rot?

by Guest65529  |  earlier

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Do I really need to keep my bonsai tree saturated everyday? Won't it make the tree rot?




  1. Don't water it everyday and yes the tree may rot! I'd probably water it once a week to every other week.

  2. Unless it is a bog plant, it will rot if kept saturated. You really need to figure out what kind of tree it is so you can find the proper amount of moisture it requires. If you have no luck with that I recommend watering when the soil appears to start drying. This would hold you over until you can ID the tree.

  3. Nobody likes to sit with their feet in buckets of water. Your bonsai needs good drainage or the roots will rot. There are good care instructions on this site.

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