I sent my three year old boy to preschool last year and he hated it. I don't know if it was just that particular preschool or just school in general that he didn't like, but I don't even want to send him this year. He will be four in December and he already knows everything that he need to know to pass kindergarten, and be half done with first grade. He is starting to read and write and knows all the addition and subtraction facts that he can do on his fingers and toes. he doesn't need it for academic reasons and socially, he does just fine with other kids. We go to a lot of play dates and activities at the library and he is with other kids all the time. He says that he just wants to stay home with me and his 16 month old sister, who he gets along with great! Is this ok? I am a child development major in college and I graduate in December. There is nothing that he needs to know that I can't teach him. Do you all think it is ok for me to not send him to preschool this year?