
Do I really need travel insurance to go to India?

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I am travelling to india on my honeymoon and just wnated peoples opinions on travel insurance...

We wont be doing any sports, just lazing about in fairly nice hotels in Kerala




  1. yes ,  badly needed ...

  2. what are you brain dead or something, of course you will .

  3. What happens if for example you go for a lazy walk and trip over something and break your leg.. (I know very unlikely)  what would you do then? As it is very likely this would cost you a fortune to get sorted in the local hospitals and somehow you'd have to be flown home.

    You should always get travel insurance.. some travel agencies won't let you travel without it.

  4. yeah I always get travel insurance. It covers lost luggage and illnesses etc. Better to be safe than sorry

  5. For sure. But don't pay too much - travel insurance typically doesn't cost that much and is well worth it.

    I have been on many relaxing vacations overseas where I got sick. Sometimes, just a bad bug can put you in the hospital. Their procedures are different too - they may throw you in the ER because you are a foreigner - which will rack the cost up. This happen to me in Thailand. They try to make it mandatory to stay overnight - 3 nights - for an ear infection! I had to fight it strongly. I ended up coming back everyday for 3 days to get a shot. The costs added up! I'm glad my travel insurance took care of it.

  6. I would have to say that it's essential.  You have no idea what's going to happen, it might be a waste of money, but if you or you hubby fall ill, it might cost thousands to repatriate you.

    I wouldn't go to India without it..

  7. Travel Insurance is always a measure to be on the safe side...

    It covers your lost baggages, sudden illness (because of weather change) and any other accidents...

    However, one should be careful in choosing the right Insurance scheme for themselves... A Travel Tour Operator in India can best guide you....

    We are one of them... You can mail your query to us at

    for more details do visit


    India Tourism Support Team

  8. insurance is for things you dont plan. i personally wouldn't travel without any insurance, but its up to you. some bank accounts like barclays offer free travel insurance if you have certain accounts - premier account i think - It might be worth just checking with your bank.

  9. Oh my god yes!!!

    I live in India for a while and even then I was hospitalised when I went to Kerala for the weekend. The risk of illness is higher than your average holiday resort....there is no such thing as a resort in India I think lol. Not to mention the baggage going missing and the crazy traffic system.

    Probably the place in the world where travel insurance is most needed!

    Ps...the hospital in Mysore is worth the travel if you do get ill.

  10. Yes. It would be advisable.  You could easily trip and fall and need medical assistance.

  11. Well I'm going to India myself in November and I'm definately going to get travel and medical insurance. I think it's essential!

    My mum is 60 years old and she's just got back from New Jersey in America (we live in the UK).

    She isn't a 'sporty' person, she's 60, but while she was in New Jersey she went to a restaurant and slipped on the floor and broke her ankle!  Thank God she had medical insurance because accidents can happen to anyone - even if they're not sporty or even if they're an older person having a quiet holiday with family.

    Please make sure you get insurance and enjoy your honeymoon!

  12. It isn't mandatory, but the small amount it costs will cover you, just in case. Better to be safe than sorry.

    Even food poisoning would end up costing you a fortune without insurance.

  13. yes you do - if you have house insurance you may have cover

    for belongings abroad - so you don't need that.

    or if your just taking beach stuff.

    but make sure your passport and tickets are covered.

    i scan mine and save on my yahoo account - this means

    in the event of an emergency i can access all the details

    if i've lost them

    but you need the medical - if something really serious happens like a car crash you may need to be flown home.

    hospitals are cheap in southern india - but there is also

    cancellation delays etc to cover.

    you on the net you can pick it up really cheaply.

    also don't forget you visa - you won't get out of uk without it.

    and scan that too


  14. Though medical facilities in India are excellent and economical, it will be always adviseable to take overseas medical insurance, as it covers not only your medical treatment but also loss og baggage, loss of passport, flight cancellation, accident etc.

    By paying a small sum and taking insurance you can be relieved of any tension about the above mentioned eventualities and can have relaxed holiday.

  15. I have not read any answers. Last time I was in India I did not take out insurance. I go again in a few days and will not take insurance. Maybe I will lose my bags, so i will replace them. Maybe I will have an accident and need to be evacuated, if so I will stay in India for better medical care. No one would offer insurance unless they could make money from it. RESIST!

  16. Offcourse you need a travel insurance for India trip.

    I would like suggest to you that you should contact to an Indian travel agency for your tour detail.

    I have recently returned from my India trip, really my tour was a great experience for me and I visited at north and south India.

    So I would recommend a travel agency they would be assist and guide your properly for your tour.

    Travel agency website

    My tour was well managed through this company.

    Best o luck

  17. Hope you have a great Honeymoon!  

    As many stated above, travel insurance is important for all types of trips - especially in a foreign country.  

    Here is a link to get an instant online travel insurance quote:

    If you want trip cancellation coverage, enter the cost of your trip.... If you are not concerned with cancellation insurance, you can enter a trip cost of 0 (zero) and receive all the other benefits the policies have to offer.  Other benefits may include lost luggage, protection for travel delays, emergency medical, medical evacuation, rental car coverage.....

  18. Are you serious?  With a country like India it is absolutely imperative that you have good travel insurance. It also covers you for cancellations, flight delays etc

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