
Do I save more gas....?

by  |  earlier

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going faster, yet taking less time to get to the destination, OR going slower, but taking more time to get to the destination?




  1. all cars have a peak where they give their best mpg,some at55/56mph,and some even higher,for example

    my Citreon C3 HDI at 65mph will deliver 74/75mpg,but if I go over this it can use as much as 25% more fuel.

    hope this helps

  2. slow better all the time

  3. Deffinately going slower! Why? Basic physics.  The faster you go, the more gas your car is going to need to get up to that speed.  Slower saves not only your gas, but your cars engine and breaks.  (Not to mention avoiding the speeding ticket).  Hope that helped.

  4. It's either or. What really makes a difference is stomping on the gas to excelerate and breaking at the last minute -that's when you use the most gas and put the most wear and tear on your car.

  5. Going slower/speed limit.

  6. It probably would be the same amount of gas.  If you want to save gas don't slam on your gas pedal every light and it will save because your engine won't be going so fast in Rpm.

  7. Manufacturers MPG ratings are set by a speed of only 45 MPH. So to actually get the true rated MPG out of your car you would need to drive below the rated speed limit unless your in town. An any in town driving will kill fuel mileage just by stopping and starting at lights and traffic signals.

    The best fuel mileage is based on an average speed with a wind of any direction of no more then 5MPH. Driving fast only uses gas quicker because you are wasting fuel to pick up speed only to reduce it for slower traffic. If you could drive without slowing down or speeding up at a average of 50MPH in town or highway you would likely get the best mileage.

    But this does not take in consideration of using the AC while driving and i figured with the windows up for the best aero Dynamics. You can see that there are alot of things that play into fuel mileage. The best thing to due during high gas prices is to consider car pooling or using Mass Transit.

    Best Regards.

  8. Going slower.  When you accelerate, you're wasting gas.

  9. the faster you go the more gas your car burns up. it depends what is more important to you, your time or your money.

  10. The slower speed uses less gasoline.  You're covering the same distance, no matter what, butt he engine is running at a higher speed, using more gasoline for each mile covered.

    Physics lesson of the day:  Just like a boat moving through water, a vehicle must move through air.  While air moves relatively easily, at highway speeds, it becomes a significant factor, since the air has less time to move out of the way and the vehicle must use more energy to push through that air.  This is why any 100 hp car can go 90 mph, but it takes about 500 hp in a highly aerodynamic car to go 200 mph.  The resistance of the air consumes energy that could've been used for speed.

  11. I whould think more. That is unless you are tailgating a semi.

  12. In these days where oil prices are spiking towards $100/barrel (which means that gas prices will not go down much for the whole winter), I say that going faster would be the best bet....the only catch is you better keep the speed at 55 mph or less.

  13. Going slower.  I kept track last summer and just going the speed limit increased my gas mileage by 18%.  I'm now the guy in the right lane with the cruise control set for 65.

    Added side benefit:  I found my commute WAY less stressful.

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