
Do I sound schizophrenic?

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I'm 14 years old. I always thought I was a normal girl. But, about a month ago, I started to worry about the dumbest things! I would dwell on something for about a week or so, then move on to worrying about something else. I worry about stuff that I used to not even think twice about. At first, I though that I might have OCD, because I also have to do weird rituals to calm my worries a little bit. But now, I don't know. I have some schizophrenic symptoms.

Now I feel like I don't know who I am anymore. I feel like I don't trust myself.

Could I possibly have schizophrenia?? Can you have it under 18? If I DO have it, then I can't get treatment for a couple of weeks. What do I do until then?




  1. don't worry about it, you just sound like a teenager. teenagers worry about one thing or another.. i think just try and calm your nerves, do things which help you. for me, when i think i'm dwelling on things too much, i ask my friend for advice. but anyway, you can have any thing like that being under 18 but i don't think you have that, but if you still feel uncertain, perhaps go talk to a doctor? they can perform tests i think which will help come up with a better analysis. good luck! x

  2. I wouldn't worry too much about schizophrenia, it's very uncommon in girls your age. Anxiety disorders, however, are not uncommon. If you find your anxiety is uncontrollable, especially if it focuses on things you know are irrational, definitely consider treatment.

    Know that you're not a freak for feeling this way, and you're not alone. I've suffered from anxiety, depression, and phobias since I was younger than you, and I'm only now seeking therapy for it in my mid-20's. If you tackle it now, you'll find a world of freedom in your late teens that I didn't have.

    Best of luck.

  3. Once you hit about 13 or 14 everything changes. All of sudden you realize what's going on in the world around you and begin to have a stronger self perception. Young people start to question things, including their self perception, at this age. What you're going through sounds totally normal. Your rituals to calm your worries are called coping mechanisms. These are necessary for our sanity. Some people cope by turning to drugs and alcohol which is obvisouly very unhealthy. You don't know who you are at 14. You're just starting to discover what you think about the world now that you're not little anymore. You will have lots of new emotions and revelations throughout your teenage years. Some of them are downright scary and some are completely life changing and inspiring. Relax and take things as they come. Being self aware as you seem to be brings some worry but ultimately it just means that you are brave and wise to be self examining. People who don't look closely at themselves are dangerous and dumb in my opinion.  

  4. No, its not even close to a symptom. your just getting to that age. trust me. Fifteen is the worst for it and has a high rate of suicide. sixteen it gets better and by seventeen it no problem at all.

  5. i know someone with schizoprhenia so maby i can help. it is a dieses that causes you to hear voices. Yes  you can have it under 18. it is possible to not have it when your born and then get it later in life. when my brother first got it and he didnt have meds yet because my parents werent sure wat was wrong. he was paranoid. he thought his shoe laces were going to strangle him and things like that. he always kept to himself (which he still does.) You should talk to your parents because they can help. I hope everything is okay! good luck!:)

  6. Schizophrenia generally reveals itself when someone is in their 20's, so if you did have it, you'd be more of a rare case.  If you are worried about it there is no harm in getting some help.  Try talking to a trusted adult about your feelings - no matter what the outcome it could help a lot.

  7. You have not described anything that points to schizophrenia.  I think you worry too much.  You may want to see a therapist just to ease some of your worries.  Relax honey.  You're ok.

  8. You sound fine, it might be a deep habit the way you dwell on things. I know what you mean oytu need to relax and when you find yourself dwelling on something you nee dto tell yourself that everything is fine and obviously you can't be stuck in the same rut will pass. That usually helps me. How about you talk to a family member if you are really worried and get tested for it. Hope i helped!

  9. schizophrenia is a serious illness that includes auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, confused thoughts and many other symptoms. I doubt you have it because people who do have it don't really recognize they are ill. See a doctor as soon as possible to ease your fears, but it could be that you are just dealing with the storm of hormones that go along with getting older. You will be ok.  

  10. I Definately Think You Are Jumping to Conclusions. It Sounds To Me That You Have Anxiety Not Schizophrenia Or OCD. I Have A Friend Who Has That And He d**n Near Killed Himself Because He Was that Far Gone. You Just Need To Stop worrying About Things. Just Calm yourself Down. I Get Anxiety Attacks All The Time And I Have Weird Rituals To Calm Myself Down. If You dont Calm Yourself And Stop Worrying About Things then It Can lead To Other More Serious Problems. Or The Anxiety Could Also Be Caused By Something Else. I Have IBS Which Causes My Anxiety Problems. Bottom Line... You're Not Schizophrenic.

  11. You sound normal and just worried about what the future could bring in a way most ppl worry a little about at some time or another.  It's the ppl who never worry about these things that have problems.  You just seem to be hyper focusing on it right now.  So, try to go get some serious exercise and do some things that force your mind focus on other things.  Break your current thought cycle so to say.

    The guy who said you might be schiz knows nothing about that illness.  Nothing you say sounds remotely like it.

  12. It sounds like you should see a professional.  Until, then you'll survive.  Don't fight your ocd and take one day at a time.

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