
Do I stand a chance, or should I jsut leave it?

by  |  earlier

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For about a year and a half, me and this boy have had an on and off affair (Please don't judge me.) He has a reputation for cheating, and I think he was even cheating on me as well as his girlfriend. Anyway, his girlfriend eventually found out about his cheating, and ditched him. Now he is single, do I stand a chance with him? I really like him and cannot stop thinking about him. He is amazing. Or should I just leave it as I was just a bit of fun? What do you think? I think he still misses his girlfriend though and that he is going through a bad spot, as he seems to be drunk a lot. Would he cheat on me if I went out with him?? We're not that close anymore though, and haven't really been for 2 months.

Thank you X




  1. hi alice,my first time to reply to anything like this,i think there would be no future with this guy,you would always be thinking that he was with someone else when he is not with you,a relationship needs to be built on trust & mutual respect this guy would not be able to help himself when the next pretty girl comes along,and you dont want to go falling in love with someone like that who will break your heart and make an *** out of you.



  2. Well to be honest I am no expert, but my common sense tells me he cannot be trusted.  Rather wait until the right guy comes around.  Trust me you will know when it does happen.  Tell this guy you feel uneasy about what he did, and that you are not that type of girl.  You deserve respect and he should know that you cannot be messed around like that, not to mention the other girls.  My advice is stay clear of him.

  3. please, Dont be stupid.

    I want to correct you on one thing. He couldnt have cheated on you when he was with his girlfriend. You meant no more to him than the other girl that he slept with while sleeping with you, while sleeping with his girlfriend. again I say dont be stupid.

    You were nothing to him but... well you know... s*x.

    Dont be stupid. are you ready to be that girlfriend that gets cheated on and looks stupid? And you'd look even stupider because you know for a FACT that he cheats. Its sad that you fell for him. and its also sad that he is getting all that action, even with the reputation of being a sleaze ball!

    LET THIS BE A LESSON: A man will only treat you they way you let him treat you. Yall's relationship would have been fine if you used him for the same thing he used you for, but women dont usually work that way and almost always catch feelings. casual promiscuous s*x is no good! (well it may be good, but its not good for you :) )... MOVE ON

  4. in Most cases, once a cheater Always a cheater... leave it and find someone single who does not cheat

  5. If he was like that with his then girlfriend when you were his bit on the side, he will obviously be like it with you.

    As he is used to having you whenever he could get away from his then girlfriend, he might not find you as exciting anymore.

  6. I would not waste my time getting attached to a guy like that if I were you.

  7. If the cheated with you then of course he would cheat on you.  Don't be silly.

    If cheating is something you worry about then why are you even considering an exclusive relationship with a cheater?  Sounds like you want him to be something he's not.

    If you can live with it being casual fun, then go with that.  If you can't, then walk away.

  8. Urm well you could have chance if you will tell him you like him (as its  mostly hard to say) , and you will find out if he likes you too. But if your not close with him anymore , then you loosing chance, by that he might have gf alrdy. and what is regarding cheating , if he done it before why not again. He would have to love you so much that he wouldnt touch other girl.

    Anyway I think just leave him and find some one else, there are lots of nice guys out there that are still single :)

    hope it will help ;)

  9. This man just sounds like he needs a friend at the moment, go to him as a friend as see if it turns into anyting more?

    I'm not totally sure sorry never been in that situationn. :)



  10. Hes going through a bad time and its also a bad time for you to have any involvment with him or try to persue anything. I know you've been with him for awhile, but what you've got to realize, is this guy obviously cannot be trusted and until you find him at all trustworthy its probaly in your best interest to keep your there for him and remain just friends at the most.  

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