
Do I stand a chance at becoming a professional golfer?

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Im 14 and I can shoot in the upper 40's and I can drive about 200-250.....Also how do I become noticed to become a pro golfer. Like how will colleges recognize me if i play well in high school. and after college golf then what?




  1. If you can get to playing scratch golf by college and really dedicate yourself to golf, then you have a chance. But you gotta get to where you can shoot under par, every round, at every course you play to even think about turning pro. You need to be able to hit low and high cuts and draws, hit every different short game shot with precision and be able to play under pressure, which means you better be winning tournaments. Natural talent is a big part too. You could definitely become a club pro though. It's a lot easier.

  2. You've got alot of work to do in order to become a pro. When I was 14 I was averaging around 90 on 18 and to this day after I have been working on my swing for over 5 years I'm around a 3 HCP. Make sure that you put as much work into it as possible because the lower your HCP gets, the harder it is to get it down even more. In order to get recognized by colleges you just need to play well in high school and try to go to as many tournaments as possible while you are young. It helps and give you alot of scores to give to the college of your choice. After college golf you can try to join an amateur circuit or something and maybe one day you'll make it to the Champions Tour or PGA Tour! I hope that one day I see you out there on the PGA Tour! It is also a life long goal of my own! Good luck!

  3. believe me, if you play well in high school, college recruiters will notice you..  try to make it to your city championships or even the state championships..  if you play well on both, college folks would take notice..

    after college and you still do not get any exceptions or invites from professional tournaments, there's always Q school to get your tour card..  good luck and don't rush it..

  4. No chance at all...I played D1 college golf and 85% of those kids were scoring in the mid to low 30's when they were 14.  To be a  Tour pro is almost impossible but a teaching pro is much easier.

  5. There's always a chance.  I'm assuming you're in High School now, yes?  Does your school have a golf team, and if so, have you tried out?

    Like most other sports, if you have talent you'll be noticed by the college recruiters.  From there, you can hope for a scholarship and play well in the NCAA.  College tournaments follow and maybe, if you're VERY GOOD, you'll qualify for a PGA event.

    Another road you can take is to enter as many local and state tournaments as possible.  The more you play and compete, the better you can become.  In addition to the PGA, many pro golfers play the European Tour, the Nike Tour, etc.  They may not get the exposure and big money of PGA golfers, but they are pros.

    Good luck, and hit 'em straight!

  6. hmm..14 and 250? that's kinda far off. i was around 280 when i was 14. but you wanna know how to be really good? SHORT GAME. it'll save you when you're not swinging well. you just need to work harder and maybe you'll make it. you can also apply for college scholarships when your handicap goes to a single digit.

  7. if u practice alot who knows u could be the next tiger woods

  8. you have a good chance. because i hit around a 80 on 18 holes and drive the ball between 250-260 yds and im 13. i emailed tiger woods and he said i would have a chance. so if play like that as good as me you have a chance to.

  9. I am 17, I shoot in the mid 30's and low to mid 70's. I hit my driver 285- 305.

    As another person who wishes to play college golf, you have some time before you need to worry about colleges noticing you.

    For playing professional golf, don't get your hopes up (for now). The reason that most aspiring people don't reach the tour is because they don't have the skill or talent to reach that level. You can work hours and hours, but if you don't have then talent, then tough luck.

  10. The best thing to do is start playing in amature tournaments. This will not only help you network with other players that share the same dream, but also improve your tournament game greatly. Dont be fooled, you may be a 5 during practice rounds, but come tourny time your handicap will go up. Try to qualify for the US amature open, play in club championships, and just keep practicing. Work on the short game the most, as this will save you the most strokes on unfamiliar courses.

    This all being said, the only way to make the tour consistently is to have extremely good timing, win when you need to win, get as much press as possible, get a sponser, and be at least a +3index.

    Being a collegiate golfer for a big university, and there are over 500 collegiate golfers per tournament that are at least +1 index, and maybe 1 out of 10000 will make it to the tour.

    The best advice i could give you is to try and play as much as possible with the best players possible and continue to try to push your game to the next level. Never settle. Look at tiger, he just keeps trying to get better, and he is the best golfer of all time.

    good luck!

  11. no

  12. I am not sure if I answered this question before. One way to find out is to compete in your local junior tournaments and see what young fellows your age are shooting for 18 holes. How do you compare with the best of the lot? The reason I say best is that the best of every other lot will also be your competition for  high school, college and qualifying school.At each progressive upward step the competition gets better and your own evaluation will give you your answer.

  13. hard practice with good training. then join in young tournament to gain more experience. finally turn pro .. good luck ~

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