
Do I stand a chance of becoming play-by-play broadcaster???

by  |  earlier

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I was high school play-by-play man for 3 years, and for this college team for 2 years(as a high schooler.) do I stand a chance?




  1. Forget the secret.

    You need to get a degree in Broadcasting or Communications, get more experience doing your college games, then prepare an audition tape and send it out to dozens of minor league teams. Do good at Triple A and there will be major league jobs available.

    Hard work and preparedness will lead to success in broadcasting.

  2. You have the chance to do whatever you want if you put your mind to it. Sometimes you have to start out in a job that is not exactly what you want and work your way up. Think positive. Have you heard of the book "The Secret"? It has some great postive thinking skills and shows that when you do send out good thoughts, good things come back to you. Kind of like kharma. Of course you can!!!!!!

  3. I don't know.  Shout really loud next time you are doing a game and maybe I'll hear you.

  4. Depends on how popular your team that you are broadcasting is. If I were you, and had a good voice, I would try to look for a job like that online.

  5. It doesn't take baseball experience to become a broadcaster. A broadcasting degree in college would be nice.Keep believing in your self, but know that it takes years to become a MLB broadcaster.

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